Return (I'm back!)

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(A/n: I'M BACK! So far, class has been great! But of course, with it being school, my class was tasked with a nerve-racking activity. Just. My. Class. But hey, I'm back to writing. Don't ask about scheduling though, I'm very inconsistent.

Also I'll be writing a chapter of my other series titled "Quintuplets of Blue", which is a Quintessential Quintuplets fanfic. Go read it if you're interested. ENJOY READING!)


In the 1st singularity, New Orleans.

"... Blood Arthur," A figure in red whispered, with a small gem flying towards a wyvern in the air.

The gem was colored a crimson red, leaving a trail of the same color as it flew towards the winged reptile. It's speed was comparable to that of a bullet, easily penetrating the beast's scales through its chest. Despite the jewelry penetrating the wyvern's skin it didn't seem to react.

That was until a bright red light in the shape of a certain red sword made it explode, its insides and blood raining down on the individuals below it.

"Gah, that's disgusting," Commented an individual with shoulder-length purple hair with her eyes sharing the same color,  her height being a little above average. She was wearing the standard female uniform for masters for the organization, Chaldea.

"Sorry..," Said the figure in red clothing. He adorned a red coat with a black shirt beneath, his pants and shoes being the same color as his shirt. His hair was currently dyed red due to the bloody rainfall from the now-deceased wyvern, but a white streak was visible despite the bloodshed.

"Meh, I have a lot of extras," The woman nonchalantly says as if her clothes didn't have tears and holes. "Should we get back? It's been quite awhile since we arrived here. I reckon that we got enough for this month, no?"

"That's for you to know, Master," He replied, "And yes, we should be heading back."

Despite their earlier 'argument', the servant-master pair that consisted of The Caster of the Starry Night and Murazaki, have seemed to exchange information about the other. Though Caster couldn't really provide much aside from small tidbits, but Murazaki didn't mind.

With a relieved sigh, she contacted the control room through a device on her wrist given to her by Da Vinci. She input the voice command to teleport her and her accompanying servants back to Chaldea, though the process takes at least 5 minutes to happen. Sure, it was a minor setback, but it really isn't much when you have heroes of the past accompanying you.

The Master informed her servant about the short wait, with him nodding to the announcement. Of course, she didn't plan to let these 5 minutes slide uneventfully.

"Say, how physically strong are you?" Murazaki asked with a sly smile.

"Hm? Where'd that come from?" 

"Just curious... hehe..."

"I don't need to-" 

Before Caster could finish his sentence, Murazaki showed her set of command seals, which immediately stopped him from talking.

"Now, be a good servant and show me what you can physically do to this building!"

"... As you wish."

With a sigh, Caster approached the building his Master was pointing to. After letting Murazaki get a few feet away from the building, he allowed himself to relax.

Memories of his so-called past came to him in a messy haze. Faces weren't shown, voices were distorted, and surroundings were akin to a void space. The most notable ones were a kind-yet-menacing voice, a loud mess of yells and screams that oddly included clothes, a happy-go-lucky yet 'destructive' voice, and that of a sweet and caring person.

Those were the ones that had the most clarity to him. He sighed once more, feeling his magic circuits heat up. He jumped high into the air, sparks of red lightning manifesting as on his now clenched fist. Once he brought down said fist, the building's top disintegrated while it began shaking until it eventually crumbled into debris.

Murazaki stood in her spot, in a charmed daze as she watched the tower crumble down as her Caster servant landed on his feet.

"Holy shit. You're one hell of a beast. Are you sure you're a caster?" She asked Caster as he approached her.

"What's that supposed to mean? Aren't all servants physically adept?" He replied as he stood beside Murazaki, who was still staring at the now fallen tower.

"Not in the Caster class!" She playfully raised her voice. 

"It's not even my own strength. I just use enhancement magic to boost my physical capabilities," He answered.

"Explain the red lighting."

"That's just my prana."

"Isn't prana supposed to be bluish-green?"

"I used 'my' for a reason, Master."


"Uhm... Master..?"

"If I wasn't used to Emiya's snarky remarks I'd be pummeling you right now," Said the now pissed off Master of Chaldea.

"... O-okay..," Caster nervously replied as beads of swear formed on the side of his head.

The pair was then teleported back to Chaldea.



"Oh hey! They're back!" 

"Really!? Big bro Caster's back!?" 

Upon arriving to Caster's room -which he was forced to let Murazaki tag along to-, the faces of those he saw before being dragged out to the first singularity with the addition of Kenme, who was leisurely using Hanamura's lap as a pillow.

"... Did I just walk into hell?" Muttered the room's owner. 

"The hell do you mean by 'hell'?! Most men would be dying to be in a room with beauties like us!" Murazaki argued.

"Master, you're single," All servants, including the children, retort without any hesitation.

"Curses," She mumbled underneath her breath. "Anyways, what do you guys wanna do? Play cards or just talk?" She asked as if she wasn't personally attacked by her so-called servants.

"Does that mean I can leave? I still have to mee-"

"No. You're staying, Caster."

"Why?" He simply questioned.

"Because I can literally use a command seal to have you stay with us."


All servants, excluding Kenme and the children, shuddered at the thought of Murazaki using a command seal. Even Mash, who often got the more positive uses, dreaded the fact that her senior might use one on her in the future. 

"... Fine," He sighed, going towards his bed and sat beside Hanamura. "So? What's the plan?"

"You sound awfully excited. Weren't you the one who wanted to leave mere seconds ago?" Asked the purple-haired Archer, who was unconsciously playing with Kenme's hair.

"Just because I wanted to leave doesn't mean I didn't want to stay," He replied with a small smile.

'Like hell we understood that!' Mash and Murazaki complained in their thoughts.

The children were minding their own business while both versions of Atalanta just sighed, knowing full well what Caster meant. For Atalanta herself, she understood it because Emiya would use sentences like that on occasion. On the other hand, her Alter form understood what he meant due to spending time with the boy during his life as his sister's servant.

"Tsundere much?  Heh," Hanamura giggled, making the male servant a bit flustered in the process.

"Please don't use that kind of categorization on people, please. It's kind of s-stupid." 

"Why are you stuttering then? We're both teenage heroic spirits of Japan, so it's no surprise I'd use that term on you, no?" The purple-haired Archer replied with a smug look on her face as she continued teasing the now flustered Caster.

As their banter began, Kenme removed herself from Hanamura's lap to play with the children, who were playing with toys and wooden swords made by Caster. For the remaining individuals, they just chatted amongst each other with Murazaki taking the lead as she tells the other women about her experience with Caster.

"Like, he uses gems in a similar way to Ishtar. But instead of actually using said gems as mediums for spells, he bloody uses them as mini Noble Phantasms!"

"Uh, how does that work? Also, I know that Caster-san is new here in Chaldea, but isn't his ability like Emiya-san's?" The shielder questioned.

"That asshole can do more than just projection!" Murazaki retorts. "Like I said, he can use gem magecraft. BUT HE CAN FUSE HIS PROJECTIONS INTO THE GEMS HE USES! AND HE HAS AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF THEM!" The master ranted.

"C-calm down, Master," Atalanta says, not even acknowledging the fact that the others paid no attention to their Master's outrage. 

"Ugh! It just pisses me off how cool and amazing that ability is! I WANT IT!" 


And thus, Chaldea's master began losing her sanity thinking about Caster's abilities with a few insults towards Emiya from here and there due to the similarity of their abilities.

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