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Da Vinci was currently finalizing documents about servants with bounded field-type abilities. She was doing this ever since Murazaki summoned the Counter Guardian, EMIYA. Despite being an Archer-class servant, he possessed a reality marble. Of course, having one as a heroic spirit wasn't THAT unbelievable, but to think that a magus was summoned as an Archer instead of a Caster baffled the inventor. She then remembered that the same heroic spirit hasn't showcased his so-called Noble Phantasm openly, with only those who've fought with him in the Singularities have seen what it was like.

"Wait a minute... could they also have reality marbles?" Da Vinci thought aloud, her face showing how puzzled she was at her own question.

"Welp, only 1 way to find out!" 



"... That's just Fou, dear."


In the comfort of Avalon, Kenme was with her parents due to Shirou needing their assistance with something. They brought Murazaki, Mash, and Fou along to Avalon so they can see what it's like.

"So it really is different from Merlin's version, huh?" Mash says as she observed the colorful flower-field and comparing it to the Avalon she sees whenever the Dick Wizard uses his Noble Phantasm.

"Say, is the Merlin here any different from Chaldea's Dick Wizard?" 

"I'd be more surprised if there WAS a change..," Artoria interjected with a rather scary smile on her face. "Hm? Oh-" 

Before anybody could notice, the scenery did a 180 degree turn. The flowers turned into swords as the ever grassy field turned into a baron wasteland, yet the sky was as blue as it was before the environmental change.

Having never seen this before, the 3 outsiders to this realm were amazed -and lowkey scared- by the change. Fou stayed on Kenme's shoulder while both Murazaki and Mash saw 2 familiar weapons stabbed into the wasteland's soil. 

"Aren't these Gae Bolg and Rule Breaker? Wait-"

"Yes, my dear Shirou is heroic spirit EMIYA's younger self," Artoria answered Murazaki's upcoming question.


"Senpai, I'm pretty sure Shirou-san deliberately said that he was Emiya-san's younger self..," Mash explained. She was used to her master's antics at this point.

"Did he? I guess I forgor," Murazaki says, doing the 'oopsie' expression including the soft hit to the head.

The more they examine their surroundings, the more amazed and baffled they become. From nameless swords to the swords of the Knights of the Round Table. Hell, there were even a few modern things in sight such as pots, pans, etc. Though, upon seeing this, a thought entered their minds.

'Does EMIYA's reality marble look like this..?' They questioned in their minds.

At the same time, Kenme was approaching her dad with Fou on her shoulder, curious as to what caused him to change Avalon's environment from the Eternal Utopia to a world with an Unlimited amount of Blades.

"You have any idea how this happened dad?" The Saber-servant asked while carrying Cath Palug in her arms.

Though, she only got a shrug and an anxious expression from her dad as a response.

"I had no part in turning Avalon into... this? How did it even become like this?" The former magus says, astonished that his- no, Kenme's reality marble took shape.

Wait... if she looks care free right now...

... Then how did it turn out like this!?



"A-alright! I-I'll pick them up-"

"I ALREADY DID THEM FOR YOU! YOU'RE WELCOME!?" The magus screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Uh... thanks..?" Kurosuzu meekly replied as if he was about to be kicked out of the house.

"Is it always like this regarding your clothes, Master?" 

"Anything goes Saber. Anything..," He replied to his servant, who looked quite shaken in her Master's stead. Her voice may not show it, but her voice and the way it quivered did. "Are you alright Saber?" 

"I'm... fine," She shivered, glancing at the still enraged Rin Tohsaka with fear.


-Back to (supposedly) Avalon-

"If it's not you, then who is it?" Saber asks as she walked up to her family, both Mash and Murazaki in tow behind her.

"No idea," The father-'son'-duo respond in unison.

"Huh. Weird."

"We know."

"Pfft. You 3 are the perfect family!" Murazaki says.

At that comment, Saber blushed while Shirou awkwardly laughed. Their child confused at their reaction before her Master called out to her specifically.

"Oh and Da Vinci has questions for you, Kenme."

"Hm? Why so?" 

"Research, apparently," Her master answered with a shrug.

"Please take these things more seriously, Senpai," Mash mildly scolded her senior with an anxious smile and a cold sweat.

"Oh c'mon Mash! We already know that Da Vinci's gonna goof around right when she finishes this project of hers up."

"... Fair point." 


"Eh? You just want me to 'visualize' my 'inner world' into this tiny marble?" 

"Yeah that's pretty much it. If you need help then just call on Hanamura or Caster to help you. I'd be busy with making mystic codes, so please don't ACTUALLY form your world."


And with that, the inventor left the rookie servant to her own devices. Specifically, her own marble project given to her by Da Vinci. She just has to visualize her 'inner world' and move said image into this marble! How hard can it be?



Kenme Pendragon. 'Son' of the fabled King Arthur and a lowly magus who has the unique element and origin of Sword. One would suspect that she'd be at least capable of controlling her mana due to her 'mother's background as well as the fact that she had been born with a magic core instead of magical circuits.

To the surprise of many, her weak point comes in the form of controlling prana. Sure, she can use projection and project multiple single-use swords, as well as being able to perform a Mana Burst, but that's about it when it comes to using and/or controlling her mana. She had been trying to follow Da Vinci's instructions for the past 5 hours.

She is by no means stupid. After all, she was able to learn and memorize some of the things Shirou would teach her rather quickly. Even against the King of Knights, she was able to keep up with her after only a few sparring matches. 

So if it isn't her capabilities, then what was making this so difficult for her? What could possibly be the cause of this self-inflicted torture where she couldn't go out and play with both Caster and Hanamura. And due to that thought, she pouted and began mumbling random things.

"Oh, so this was where you've been. Been looking around Chaldea for you, y'know?" 

An auburn red glow appeared from behind her, with a similar golden one beside it. Kenme looked behind her to see those who've given her life and happiness.

"Mom! Dad!" She jumped at them, hugging them very -and I mean VERY- tightly.

"Heh. It's just been a couple hours," Said the former magus. "Anyways, what're you working on?"

"Marbles," Kenme quickly answered.

"Marbles?" Her parents questioned her in unison.

"Yes. Marbles."

"I am interrogating that Archer later. He has some nerve influencing our dear ch-"

"N-no need to go that far, Saber!"

Before the Wrought Iron Hero had his life taken by The Sword of Promised Victory due to 'unknown' causes, Kenme allowed her parents to view this 'marble' and soon enough, they found out the issue and looked at their daughter as if they're looking at a baby.

"Why are the both of you looking at me like that..?" 

"It's nothing sweetie~," Saber hummed before turning to her beloved. "Anyways, are you SURE she just turned 17? Seems to me that she hasn't changed ever since she was born!"


"That's up for you to think, Saber," Shirou says as he extends his hand over the marble. "Anyways, we should get this over with so we can head out and eat."

Once those of Arthurian legend -albeit one of them being a fake- heard the last word, they immediately got into their positions. With Saber tenderly hugging Shirou with one arm while the other copied his position whilst Kenme sat back to observe what they're about to do with a serious face.

A bright light engulfed the room for a brief moment, causing Kenme to shield her eyes for the same amount of time. After her eyes deemed it safe, she opened one and saw something spectacular.

"Guess I was right."

The 'marble' that she had tried HOURS on that didn't even yield results, was now a miniature globe that had flowers, swords, and a bright blue sky within. The Saber servant was amazed at this and gawked at it for quite a few moments, her parents' soft laughter snapping her out of her trance.

"What did you even do anyway?"


"That's a secret sweetie," Saber interrupted Shirou with her hand covering his mouth, "Now, about that promise earlier..."

"W-t po-ise?" He replied, words were imperfect due to Saber's strong hold on his mouth.

"LET'S GO N' EAT!" Shouted both Saber servants, dragging the poor Emiya to the cafeteria for a meal.

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