Fated Magecraft - Day 1

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The moment he summoned his servant, the young man knew that there was no turning back. There was no way to stray from the path towards hell. He was aware of this, yet...

He endured.

He suffered.

He loved.

He cried.

He lost.

He won.

The only words he had said before leaving this world were;

"Is she... is she alive?"


As the master-servant pair arrived in a secluded part of the forest, the servant suddenly sat down on a rock. The master was confused by her actions, but understood what she meant when he saw his servant's body language.

"Glad to see that I have an understanding Master," The Saber servant comments as her master sat down.

"It's an honor to receive such a compliment from you, Mordred," The master says. "So? I take it you wanna talk about strategy?"

"Part of it," She answered, "But I also have some questions for you, master," Mordred said as she glared at Fujimaru.

"U-uh... go ahead..?"

"First of all, where are we?"

"Fuyuki city, Japan."

"Your name? It's quite stupid that you know my True Name while I have no clue as to what's yours."

"Fujimaru Emiya..?"

"Why are you saying that as if you're asking a question?" The servant raised her brow at her master's words.

"Nothing, really. It just seems like you'll kill me at any moment, haha."

"Oh? Yet you're laughing in front of your potential killer?" The knight stood up before continuing, "It's not behind me to backstab people. Hell, that's what my role in Father's legend is about," She smirked at her master.

"I haven't done anything to solicit that urge in you, right?" He also stood up, "Besides, I have full trust in my servant to accompany me until death or until the Grail War's end, no?" He smiled.

"Hmph. Good points ya got there," She says as she dematerialized her armor, more casual and modern clothing. "Say, why don't we get some grub to get to know each other more?"


Fujimaru just stared at his servant's nonchalant smile. Knowing his Dad's servant, he opts to think that Mordred just wants to enjoy the food here. He doesn't mind, though he can't help but remember Saber's antics whenever Shirou would come home and cook, making him release a chuckle.

"Hm? What's so funny? Is it this outfit?" The Treacherous Knight questioned as she examined her clothing. Surely it doesn't look ridiculous, right?

"Oh it's nothing about your outfit, it actually looks quite good on you," He clarified, "I was chuckling since you reminded me of Dad's servant is all."

"Weird, but I'll ignore that for now. C'mon, let's go get some grub!" 

"... You do know that we're in the middle of the forest, right?"


"Man that was fucking awesome! Who knew that you'd be a great cook!"


The master-servant pair were inside an apartment. It serves as their living space in the Grand Grail War, as well as a place where Fujimaru can bond with his servant, The Knight of Treachery. It took them quite a while to find a cheap-yet-neat apartment, but were able to secure this one due to the fact that Fujimaru projected gems that he sold for a decently high price. 

"Seriously! Where'd you learn how to be this godly of a cook!? Best shit I've tasted since I've entered the Throne of Heroes!" She rejoiced, still enjoying the simple roast beef with sauce made by Fujimaru.

"It's nothing special, really," He answered as he washed the equipment and utensils he used in making the roast beef. "My Dad just taught me how to cook is all."

"Eh? Really now? Or are you just being humble..?" She looked at him with a smirk.

"Could be both," He retorts, finishing his current task of cleaning and arranging everything from pots & pans to tongs & knives. "Just put them in the sink once you're done."

"Yeah yeah," She replied as she ate another piece of roast beef, swallowing before talking once more. "Say Master, do you think you'd come out of this war alive?"

What ensued after that question was silence as Fujimaru walked to his supposed bed and sat on it. Oddly enough, when Mordred looked at his countenance, he was smiling. This confused her, but his words made her respect and value her master more than before.

"I... don't think so," He answered. "Mostly because I know that this is really dangerous. If I somehow get out unscathed, that'll be at the cost of losing a limb or two. Even worse, my sanity," He then looked towards his servant, "That's why this is sort of a suicidal mission. A mission where I'll sacrifice everything in my possession just for people... no, a person, so that they can live in peace."

Mordred was confused by this. Why would want to sacrifice everything just for the sake of other people? She thought it was rather stupid, but she couldn't voice it. That smile on his face was that of acceptance, which means that he's aware that what he wants is considered as absurd and meaningless. All she could do was respect his resolve and his awareness, knowing that it'll be a bad end for him.

"It's pretty stupid, isn't it?" The master asked whilst looking at Mordred, whom was in the middle of finishing her meal.

"It is. Like, it's really fucking stupid," She answered truthfully as she stood up to place her plate and utensils into the sink, "But, in my opinion, it's rather chivalrous. And I'm sure that it's your own goal, so I won't bother with forcing a change of mind."

"Glad that you're an understanding servant, Mordred," He gave a warm smile, his servant just staying silent as she rinsed the plates and left them at the sink to be cleaned by Fujimaru in about an hour.

Nothing much happened between master and servant in the apartment complex. It was already night time, so they decided to rest for the moment. But before doing so, they had a few small chats about meaningless things. The Saber eventually fell asleep on her bed while Fujimaru washed the remaining dishes before mounting his own bed, surfing the web before going to sleep.


"So there's a master-servant pair in that building?"

"Yes. It's a rather competent one if I do say so myself. A mage of high caliber with a Saber as their partner. We'd be in trouble if we were to confront them at this hour."

"Oh? And when do we strike them down, Master?"

"Tomorrow noon. If they're not in this building at that moment, then we hunt them down. Got it, Kagetora?"


"Ok. In the meantime, let's go somewhere as to not be attacked ourselves. Care for some ramen?"

"Hm... I guess we can go for that. Are there any carts that serve ramen with tempura?"

"Well, not 'carts' specifically, but I do know a place. So, shall we go?"

"Why not." 

Fate/SealedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora