Test; Abilities

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"Ok, first up is Kenme. Show us what you can do."


A week after Hanamura's summoning was when they were able to show what they're capable off in terms of combat. Emiya, Chaldea's lead chef, took liberty in supervising them seeing as he shares a fundamental connection to all 3 servants.

First to show her abilities was the Saber, Kenme Pendragon, due to her being the first 'summon' out of the 3. Da Vinci was there to record the strength of the servants with Mash tagging along.

"Trace, on!" the Saber chanted, the Sword of Selection appearing in her hands.

In front of her was a demonic beast from the 7th singularity. Despite its massive stature and fierce appearance, Kenme was unfazed.

"Oooh. Big lion!" She chirped, much to Emiya's dismay. Sure, the beast wasn't dangerous to servants, but Kenme in particular hasn't fought much from what he's heard from Shirou.

The beast lunged at the Saber servant that stood there in a daze. Emiya, being who he is, was prepared to shove Kenme out of the way, but what came next surprised everyone present.

The demonic beast, who was fiercely eyeing Kenme down and later lunged straight at her, was now in pieces as its blood flew everywhere, including the servants. Though, despite the disgusting fluid splattered onto them, the majority cheered.

"Not bad..," Emiya murmured, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Frankly, I dislike the blood splatter, but that was nice," Da Vinci commends her, "I barely saw what happened, and wouldn't even have an idea if it weren't for my precious invention."

"The one that imitates the Mind's Eye skill?" Asked Mash, who was one of the servants who came to see the tests.

"Yeeep~!" The genius joyfully replied, "Alright, you're up next Caster," She faces the aforementioned servant, who just nods in understanding.


Moving not too far from their previous location, the rather unfortunate group of mobs-turned-lab-rats were about a hundred skeletons. Being the mob most common in the Fuyuki singularity, everybody was unamused at the sight of them.

"Proceed with it Caster, hold nothing back," Emiya states, to which Caster nods to.

The skeletons were slowly creeping up to his position, yet he's done nothing to move. He just looked at his adversaries with his nearly lifeless eyes, a sigh escaping his mouth.

"I am a mage, yet I fight with swords."

To everybody else, it looked like Caster was just gonna let himself be attacked by the mindless skeletons and were ready to get him out of the predicament. Da Vinci, much to her disappointment, was about to call off Caster's test due to a probable fear of the undead. Before she could, she was stopped by Emiya, who swayed his head in disagreement. The inventor look at the Archer in confusion, though she humored his request. 

Moments later came a blinding light, prompting everyone to cover their eyes. As much of a useless tactic this was to combat this light, all but the most battle-woven servants opted to cover their eyes as a reflex. The sight that greeted them when their eyes opened was a mix of beauty and depressing.

They were on a cliff surrounded by corpses and flames. Weapons ranging from swords and polearms to bows and firearms. The sight from below was an ugly one, the sight most servants are very familiar with yet have never seen it in the modern world. Da Vinci looked around, only seeing Mash with her.

Atop the cliff stood Caster with a familiar shield in his hand. Mash couldn't believe it, but they couldn't speak nor move during all this. Caster was solemnly looking at the night sky, and when Da Vinci and the others followed his gaze, saw a very beautiful sight. Stars lit up the night sky, as if they were watching them.

"So you've been forced to see this, huh?" Spoke the servant, "Weird considering that both of you aren't my Master."

His voice was hollow, yet the tone was very much welcoming and apologetic. His eyes showed nothing but grief and anger, yet he has a smile on his face that contradicts it. Da Vinci was astonished at this all because the Caster summoned in Chaldea was nothing like this while Mash... she was seeing much more than this forsaken hill beneath a starry sky.

Visions of carnage. Visions of blood being spilled. Screams of agony, cries for help. The cause?

Was her, Mash Kyrielight.

But at the same time, it wasn't her. As if she seeing a person with the same name and body commit murder.

"Don't worry about what you're seeing," Caster voiced out, breaking the Shielder out of her thoughts, "I don't know if you're the same one I knew, but it wasn't your fault," Caster smiled at her.

As much as Da Vinci wanted to yell in excitement due to this rather unexpected occurrence, it was cut short when she was being shaken by Emiya.

"You ok there Da Vinci? You've been like that for a few minutes," The Archer voiced.

"E-eh!?" She jumped back in surprise, "What happened next? Where are the stars?" She questioned no one in particular.

Emiya raised a brow at her questions, though he decided to ignore the potential headache. He then turned to Mash, who seemed distraught compared to Da Vinci. As if she's seen hell before, which makes the Red Bowman sigh.

"Emiya," Da Vinci called the Counter Guardian, "What happened with Caster's test? Is he alright?" She asked with concern.

"Hm?" He raised a brow, "You're asking me if the servant who took down a hundred skeletons within a second if he's okay? Well he is, so that's that."


"It's rather complicated, but I witnessed it along with Kenme and Hanamura. We'll give you details later on so let's just get this over with."


After a few minutes of dragging Da Vinci's body and coming across other servants on the training grounds the group finally found a monster not in the process of being murdered by servants. A rather rare occurrence with how crowded Chaldea is with battle-rowdy servants.


For Hanamura's lab rat, it was a Spriggan-type monster. Its huge stone body basically being a huge target, with it only being spotted by them because of it being a newborn from Chaldea's Enemy Spawning System, or 'C.H.E.S.S' by Da Vinci. Oh, and by 'in front' of them, the truth is that they're a few kilometers from the Spriggan. On a cliff, to be exact.

"Do archers really have to be this far?" Asked Kenme, happily munching on a sandwich made by her 'mother' straight from Avalon.

"Yes," Emiya answered, "We need to be this far in order to safely attack our opponents with our projectiles."

"But aren't you-"

"Shush. Just focus on shooting that damned thing down," He cut Hanamura off, knowing that specific countermeasure to his servant class.

"Fine," She sighed. Her magical energy would rise as pink prana gracefully danced around her. Her bow would manifest in her left hand whilst her right manifested a sword.

She loaded the sword onto her bow. Her intent to obliterate the large mob was clear.

"Leaves, dance," She whispered, with cherry blossom leaves circling her body.

Everyone was impressed at what she's doing. Even Emiya, the servant notorious in Chaldea for being secretive, was openly surprised and allured by the appearance of cherry blossom leaves. Most likely being reminded of a certain junior of his when he was alive.

After a few moments she released the sword-turned-arrow from the bow, the petals following suite. It hit the Spriggan after 2 seconds of travel time, a pink-colored explosion making a crater on the ground. Basically the thing's dead.

"That's gonna take a lot of maintenance..," Da Vinci says with a sigh, scribbling down what seems to be Hanamura's result onto a sheet of paper.

"There won't be any maintenance, Da Vinci-san," Mash said with a nervous chuckle.

"Hm? What do you mean?" She replied without stopping her report.

"Just look to see what she's talking about," The Red Bowman chimed.

Reluctantly, the genius decided to take their word and look up. Her eyes and mouth widened at the sight.

"What the..!" 

From where the crater was supposed to be was a gigantic Cherry Blossom tree. Its leaves were as big as the Spriggan that Hanamura shot down, yet they made no noise when they fall upon the ground. Despite them being in the constant cold, this phenomenal tree seemed to persevere through the impossible living environment.

After a minute of admiring the tree, Da Vinci turned to Hanamura and started violently shaking her.

"I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH! MY WORKLOAD'S BEEN DRASTICALLY REDUCED!" She jumped in excitement at the fact that she doesn't have to fix anything.

"Ahaha..," The purple Archer nervously laughed, lightly scratching her cheek with her finger.



In the cafeteria, or the 'Den of Lions', Shirou was being surrounded by almost all Altria servants in Chaldea. The victim had just hopped out of his domain to help out the cafeteria staff, only to be cornered by Chaldea's resident lion pride.

"Uhh... Saber, please help," The man pleaded with a cold sweat.

"I would, but I know myself enough to know that I wouldn't give up. Them included," His lover replied with a casual smile.

On the other side of the area seated the 3 servants recently checked by Da Vinci, whom are all nervously watching Shirou being surrounded by hungry lions. All the while his offspring was casually munching on cookies given to her by Emiya.

"Uh Kenme-san," Hanamura called out, "Are you not perhaps bothered by pa- I mean, your father, being surrounded by other women besides your mother?" She asked as she coughed at her verbal blunder.

"Hm?Imsurehesfine" She answered with a mouth full of cookies.

"Please don't talk with your mouth full, it's bad manners," The Archer replied with a passive-aggressive smile, causing the Saber to chew and swallow her food.

"Sorry about that," Kenme apologized before chugging down a whole glass of water, "What I said was that I'm sure he's fine. Even mom's not bothered by it," She points to Saber, who is smiling at the fact that she has a Shirou in her possession.

As Hanamura sighed, Caster just watched the chaos happening to the red-haired man. Oddly enough, this brings a smile to his face. The reason? Unknown. Both to him and the servants he's sharing the table with, who saw the smile but never commented on it.

"Okay so," Da Vinci slammed her hand on the table to get the 3 new summons' attention, "I've completed the reports on you 3 for our database and has also learned of your tales," She states.

"Even she?" Hanamura points to Kenme, who is oblivious to all of this, "I recall you saying that she just popped out of nowhere 3 weeks ago."

"True. She did indeed pop out of nowhere and into Chaldea," She interjects, "But, turns out that she has a legend. Well, it's not really hers SPECIFICALLY, but she plays a major part."

"And what legend is that?" Hanamura -along with Kenme and Caster- asked.

"It's a rather... weird one," She says before looking at her documents at hand, "But, it's about Shirou-kun and Artoria-san's experience during the 5th Fuyuki Grail War."

"Eh!? Really!?" The Saber of the group jumped from her seat in excitement.

"It's a fake addition to the Legend of King Arthur. It's somehow popular there, and I don't get why that along counts as you having a legend, but I guess it does."

"Yay~!" Kenme chimed.


After double-checking her work, she allowed the newcomers free to wherever they like. They are on a break from dealing with singularities after all, so all of the servants and staff deserve their rest. The most exciting part is that, Chaldea is hosting a one-of-a-kind festival in a month or 2.

Perfect timing!


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