Psuedo-Singularity: Festivities of the Fated Family - 2

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It was quiet. Not the type that gets you anxious, but the type that makes you at peace. The atmosphere was cozy, warm, and comforting. The scent of food wafting through the room, the sound of pantries being prepared, and the sound of plates being set on the table.

All of this had Murazaki's mind on haywire from the sheer amount of scents and foods that were being registered through her senses. Her mouth eas watering and her eyes were fillied with glitters as she eyed and smelled the food being placed on the table.

Such a feast only ever happens at a big celebration like birthdays, reunions, or important holidays. Today was one such event; Christmas had the entirety of Fuyuki's populace under the festive atmosphere.

Though, despite being amored by the food, Murazaki was still analyzing the situation at hand. This was a singularity? Even if it's smaller like Shinjuku and Shimousa, it shouldn't be THIS peaceful at this point in time. The master was deep in thought.

That doesn't restrain her gluttony, however.

Meanwhile at the backyard, the servants were happily conversing with each other. They were close enough to reveal their True Names leisurely save for COTSN, who couldn't remember so much as his identity and opted to sit on the house's roof and gaze at the starless night.

"Caster..," Hanamura muttered quietly while looking at the aforementioned servant's figure.

"Sorry if it sounds rude, but is that Caster always like that?" A voice coming from the side said.

It belonged to Atalanta of the Argonauts. The beautiful woman had both hands on her hips as she stared at Caster's general location with an irritated expression.

The purple-haired Archer nervously giggled. "I apologize for his behavior. He has... problems in regards to his memory. He may not show it, but he's a good person despite the coldness he's shown."

"Hmph. He should at least be knowledgeable in etiquette and have himself introduce who he is. I am not willing to show my back to an ally I don't trust," Arcadia's hunter said with authority. "Besides, I don't believe that I seem that strict to others."

That was when all the times when Atalanta or her Alter scolded some servants for the most minute things, causing Hanamura to chuckle sweetly.

"Did I say something to warrant laughter?" The Greece hero questioned.

"Nothing of the sort, I promise. Just some memories is all," The blindfolded servant replied.

"You must've had a long and fulfilling life if you can happily laugh like that," The green Archer smiled.

"You are correct, Lady Atalanta," A bitter smile showed itself on Hanamura's face. "I did indeed live a long and happy life."

'I would personally say that you had it better than I did..,' She thought.

It was Chrismas eve, so it wasn't out of the ordinary to hear laughter nearby. Whether it's from the neighboring houses or the streets, laughter the essence of this holiday. There wasn't descrimination when it came to it; both adults and children were laughing in joy. Of course, the same was said for heroic spirits as both Kagetora and Nero were having a snowball fight... with servant-level strength. Thankfully, there were multiple well-founded bounded fields that prevented the destruction of the district, but it was still a concern that the two aforementioned heroes were rather powerful...


"Never thought I'd experience a day where Rin Tohsaka comes home as a servant. I wonder what Sakura would think."

"I don't need any dictating janitor on my property, idiot."

"And here I am seeing a Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka from 2 completely different universes interact with each other. Good grief..," The Red Bowman sighed.

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