Pseudo-Singularity: Festivities of the Fated Family - 4

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"Maybe we ARE Fated to be sacrifices..."

"N-no! Don't say that!"

"What choice do I have? I'm not risking losing my life alongside the entire populace of Fuyuki, I refuse to. That's why this is my responsibility, so just sit back and enjoy life.

You understand, Tachie?"

"Not... not you too... please..!"


-Hanamura's POV-

Oh. The sun's shining. Neat! I've been stuck in our make-shift workshop ever since Ritsuka splattered everything with some Phantasmal goo; which I cleaned up!

Did I also mention that I spent hours lecturing her about executing targets without a mess? I didn't? Oh well, now you know!

"My head hurts from all the words..," I hear her mutter.

Which got me to turn my head toward her direction once more.

"O h? Care to repeat what you just said..?"

"EEP!" She physically jumped. "NOTHING, NOTHING! I SAID NOTHING, HANA-SAN!"

I giggled at her cute display. "Adorable. Now be a good girl and take my words to heart."

"Y-yes ma'am!"

With a happy sigh I exited our current base to see the 'kitchen', which is just a metal pot over some fire. We're able to project any appliances needed for specific dishes, and not to mention that we can just project our own plates, so we aren't really troubled with washing anything. If anything, I guess our own bodies could use a wash. When was the last time I took a bath?

"Hmm... gotta see if there are any nearby..."

Though seeing as we're right behind Ryuudou temple, I don't see a problem with finding a bath.

As for the actual problem at hand; I have an idea of what made this 'timeline' into a singularity. Miraculously enough, it doesn't involve 'Ritsuka Emiya'; both the human and servant individuals. I've done research and actually compared both to see if they were 'irregular', and apart from one being a masterless Servant, both were fine. It isn't the city since it's currently winter, and the fact that it's Fuyuki solidifies my point further. That leaves the one discreet outlier...

"There's a 'Chaldea' in this timeline..."

I truly wonder if it's true? And whether or not the staff are the same as ours... I'll get to the bottom of this and discuss matters with Master; maybe even Caster if I manage to find him since he suddenly cut his contract with Master.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that? Well now you know!

I'm sure he has his reasons for doing so. If I had to think like him, it'll be something similar to EMIYA-san's plan in Ritsuka's version of the 5th Grail War; shared to her by her parents. I was quite surprised when I first heard of it last night, and how it's relatively peaceful compared to my version... oh well, good for them.


Hm? Master?

'Hanamura! You there?"

'Servant Archer; ready for your orders.'

'Oh thank goodness! I couldn't contact neither you or Caster for HOURS!'

'About Cast-'

'I miss you so much! Can I come over to wherever you are?! Please!?'


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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