Pseudo-Singularity: Festivities of the Fated Family - 3

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-Caster's POV-

H-huh? When was I..?

Wasn't it snowing in this city? Why is the scenery so... colorful; bright, even. So many people walking around with smiles... families roaming the city, groups of friends laughing all around. Why does it feel like I'm the cause for this? This nice and peaceful atmosphere in Fuyuki City... why is that name so familiar?

"Fuji-kun! Over here!"

Fu...ji? Isn't that the name that Ereshkigal referred me as? But why? Who?


I looked up and saw the voice's owner. It was a woman with ruby-red eyes, a light complexion, and a beautiful appearance... short brown hair, a well-endowed figure. The woman was just naturally attractive to me, and for some reason, I feel like I know her name...

"Who... w-what's your name?" I ask with a hint of desperation in my voice.

Why was I so desperate? Why is everything in my body screaming "get away from her"? Truth is, my body won't listen to me; so does my mind. I am merely the consciousness of this body.

What exactly... am I? Who was I in life? Did I even have one to begin with?

The woman merely smiles at 'me'.

"Hm? Is this a new joke, Fuji-kun? Or should I have Mother scold you for joking about forgetting your spouse?"


... Huh?

"What do you... mean-"

Before I could even register anything the woman brought me in for a kiss. I now realize that we were seated on the nice grass that this park had to offer. I had many questions about it:

Was she my new Master?

Is she someone I knew from my 'life'? An old acquaintance? 

Was she just in need of mana?

Was she...


Before I knew it I just... succumbed to the intimate gesture, going as far as letting our tongues intertwine. Our breaths and saliva mixed; both she and my body craving for more. I couldn't feel anything but I can guarantee this:

'I' was enjoying this.

And so I closed my eyes and allowed my body to savor the feeling, the affection the woman was showing me; encapsulating me in. It felt nice... it's tempting me to let this body's carnal desires run wild.

But, as sudden as I found myself in that nice and peaceful background, the smell and weight of the air changed drastically. The smell of iron, ashes, and corpses wafted through the air. It was cold, unbearably so, while also being hotter than hell.

I slowly open my eyes to view this sensation; some liquid pouring down my face as I did so. I noticed that I was still in the midst of that intimate gesture, yet it felt so different than what it was a few seconds ago.

Was I teleported somewhere? Is this still Fuyuki City? A different war? A different time? Why does this background seem so familiar? These scents, sensations, and the tears dropping on my face... it felt so close to my soul; my very existence.

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