Sword of Fate - III

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It was a very early morning, 4 AM in the city of Fuyuki. Most people wouldn't even want to wake up this early, but here we are in the Tohsaka manor. Its inhabitants were well-dressed and are now rushing with last-minute preparations. Such as...

"Where. Is. It," Rin Tohsaka, the Twin-Tailed Demoness by a certain Archer, was now confronting her adopted son about the location of something.

"What. Is. It," The son, Kurosuzu Tohsaka, replied in a similar manner. Much to his foster mother's chagrin of course.


"You mean this, Rin?" 

The woman in question looked to the source, seeing a woman with stunning beauty holding a chained pendant. Rin snatched it from the servant.

"You motherfu-"

"Says the woman who had a 3-way with Pops and Mom," The beauty, Kurosuzu's servant Kenme, quipped.

"And since WHEN were you like him?!" 

"Like who?" The master-servant pair questioned the older magus, the latter sighing in frustration.

"The-" She but cuts herself off after remembering... stuff. "Fuck it never mind. Let's go."

The reason why they're leaving so early? Simple. A trip to London for a meet-up at the clocktower. The Tohsakas didn't summon a servant just to summon a servant -although it could very much have been that way if it weren't for context from Rin-. After all, some extraordinary event happened and sparked conflict from within the magus association.

From what they've collected, it seems that 7 people and 7 cards appeared in the middle of London. Said people were brought to the clocktower by Luvia Edelfelt and some others for questioning, answering that they were just randomly teleported here. 



"Huh. So this is London. It's in Britain no?" Kenme questioned as she boarded off the plane.

"Yep, Also known as England nowadays. I've been here with... him once we graduated. Can't say it was a pleasure, he was gone 90% of the time," Rin replied with a sigh.

"Hm. No wonder I feel a bit more powerful in this country," The servant thought aloud.

"Oh yeah, you're her daughter," The magus turned to Kenme with a smirk, "Or should I say; son? Heh~."

"Rin, you literally had a-"

"WE. DON'T. TALK. ABOUT. THAT!" Rin stomped, her expression going from a cheeky smirk to beet red in embarrassment.



"You may or may not want to look at your left, Rin."


At the direction Kenme stated, her master could be seen conversing with a regal looking blonde woman, her eyes being inhumanely red while her hairstyle was rather unique. Of course, this was Rin Tohsaka's rival: Luviagelita Edelfelt, which soured the former's mood when he saw her surrogate son talk to the woman. She rushed towards them before Luvia could put a hand on Kurosuzu's shoulder, swatting it away in the nick of time.

"Oh? If it isn't the red vixen," The blonde says with her signature laugh, causing Rin to grit her teeth in frustration.

"And what do you think you're doing to my son? You golden ape!" The woman in red retorts.

The 2 women then began to bicker back-and-forth without any signs of stopping. Of course, Kurosuzu was smart enough to walk away from the embers before it became a raging fire. He sighed, knowing only a mage ranked higher than the two could stop their bickering. It would usually be Lord El Melloi II, formerly known as Waver Velvet. From what the teenager had heard, he started out as a runt in magus society as well as being a participant of the 4th Holy Grail War of Fuyuki.

With the Tohsaka's servant, she was silently observing her surroundings. The early breeze, the purplish-orange hue in the sky. It was perfect. Kenme was still processing the boost of power she's having just by being on the land of Britain, the nation her 'father' once ruled as its rightful King of Knights. She got also got a boost whilst in Fuyuki, which then stacked as the plane touched England's soil.

That was when she sensed 2 other servants.

"Tch. Must you be so acclimated with modern English?" A being that screamed 'King' said. He was in a simple 'jacket-shirt-pants-shoes' look, and it attracted a lot female stares.

"Jealous? Not my fault I'm a free spirit~!" Another, one with long green hair and modern clothing, said. Kenme couldn't figure out its gender, but it was safe to assume that it was a woman.

"Silence! You're just a mere weapon within my collection."

"That you call your 'most trusted Noble Phantasm'? Suuuure Goldie~."


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