Quick Notice! (Announcement)

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Yo! Just here to say that I'm gonna be on a short break since school's coming in a week. I'll probably get back to writing in 2 weeks -or just fucking screw this announcement and write anyway-, but rest assured, I'll be back when school stuff isn't trying to fuck me over.

In the meantime, I'd like to thank all of you who -somehow- found this in the depths of Wattpad! I'm just writing this for fun, so I don't really expect any attention, but here I am getting a somewhat reasonable amount of it. Thanks!

Oh and one last thing:

If you guys are interested in a book about "The Quintessential Quintuplets", then I have one right now. It's called "Quintuplets of Blue". Not really much of a plugin, it's just for those who want to see more of my content lmao.

See you guys next time!

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