Fated Magecraft - Day 0

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"Fujimaru-kun! Ritsuka-san!!" A pink-haired girl called out.

The girl was named Mash Kyrielight. A fairly known individual in Homuhara Academy due to her physical prowess. She is currently running towards her 2 seniors Fujimaru and Ritsuka Emiya, whom are fraternal twins.

Fujimaru Emiya is considered a mystery in school. The impression that he gave off when he first transferred here was that of a silent person, though his friends proved that persona to be false. He's actually quite talkative, but is never the one to initiate a conversation. He also scores high during tests, whether they're written or physical. He is part of the kendo club.

Ritsuka Emiya on the other hand is the complete opposite of her brother, being much more of a social butterfly. She's received both male and female confessions, though she always rejects them kindly. Compared to her brother's 'normal' appearance, with his black hair and aqua blue eyes while she has beautiful auburn red hair and bright amber eyes. She's more or less physically fit with the body to uphold that statement. She's stronger than all females and even the majority of males in school. Though her grades don't compare to her brother, she's still a top student. She's part of the archery club.

"Hm?" Fujimaru turned around, smiling at the sight of his junior, "It's Mash."

"REALLY!?" Ritsuka turned around as well, and upon seeing that Mash was indeed running up to them, she ran towards their pink-haired junior and shared a hug.

"I didn't expect you to actually call us casually like that. I thought you'd still call us 'senpai', but I guess I like it better that you refer to us casually," Fujimaru says with a smile.

"Ehe~" She blushed at Fujimaru's words.

It may not come off as a surprise, but Mash has a deep bond with the Emiya twins. She always comes home with them to their home since Mash keeps saying that her parents always lock her out of the house. This of course angered not just the Emiya twins, but also their parents. Especially their father, who's had apparently experienced a similar crisis with his own junior.

"Well let's go. Mom and dad are home for the week, so let's go have some bonding," Fujimaru says, the girls jump in excitement as a result.


Upon arriving at the Emiya estate, they were immediately greeted with their aunt, Sakura Matou. The trio greet her and had a short talk before heading in the wooden house. In the living room was their parents, the famous pair of magi, Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka (She kept the Tohsaka name for the sake of her pride). They're in their early 40s, with Rin complaining to Shirou how they're getting old.

"I don't see a difference though. I mean, you're still acting like you did when we were students, so I don't get why you say that we're getting older," The man says, projecting a white short sword with a yin & yang symbol.

"You're supposed to comfort me when I'm doing this, Shirou!"

"What am I supposed to do? Let you hit me until you're satisfied?"


Meanwhile, their children and guest just watch as they bicker over something trivial. Both Fujimaru and Ritsuka sigh while Mash just awkwardly laughs at the scene. It took at least 10 minutes before they even noticed them.

"Oh you're here," Rin says as if 10 minutes of her having a childish fight with her husband didn't happen.

"Yes, we have... FOR THE PAST 10 MINUTES, MOM!" Ritsuka explodes, Fujimaru and Mash just watching from where they stand as Ritsuka approaches their mother.

"Uhhh..," Rin begun backing off as if she wasn't a top tier magus. Shirou laughed at this as the sword he projected turned into prana and dispersed.

"So, what do you guys want for dinner?" The 'faker' asked as he approached Mash and Fujimaru.

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