Sword of Fate - II

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"My very being..,"

The figure whispered as a bright light emerged in front of it.

"... is a sword,"

It finished, a bright light from -what seems to be- her sword.



Amidst the screaming of the top-notch magus, both her adoptive son and his newly summoned servant just looked at the screaming woman in front of them as if they were used to it. The boy thought it was weird for the servant to act like this since she was just summoned, as well as being a supposed hero of the past.

"Hm?" The Saber looked at the boy's left hand, squinting her eyes as she saw red marks on it. "So you're my master, huh?"

"Y-yeah, that is indeed the case... uh..," He trailed off, not really knowing what to call her. In his mind, all these classes and tales just confused him, and it didn't help that there were True Names to be accounted for.

"You can call me Saber if you don't want to use my True Name," She says as if she had read his mind, "What about your name, Master?"

"Kurosuzu Tohsaka," The boy gave a short reply.

Before a proper conversation sprouted from the master-servant pair, Saber was dragged away by Rin in a rather blinded rage. Being a servant, she wasn't scared by this... supposedly, at least. The boy observed the scene happening and had no reaction. Rather, he was curious as to why it was just his servant. Well, not like he'd want an earful from THE Rin Tohsaka.

Kurosuzu just shrugged and went to his room to take a nap.



It wasn't as peaceful on the other side of the spectrum, as Rin was still screaming like there was no tomorrow whilst Saber stood there unamused. It continued on for a few minutes until the magus calmed down... somewhat.

"So?" She questioned the servant as she crossed her arms. "If what you're saying's true, then..?" She raised a brow at the servant.

"Then what?" Saber questioned back, slightly tilting her head in confusion.

"Damn it," She cursed, "About your parents. Is it true that you're the offspring of Artoria Pendragon and... and..."

"Shirou Emiya? Yes, they're my parents."

After that reveal, Saber expected another outrage, but was pleasantly surprised when all that came was an annoyed sigh.

"Tch. To think that he actually got to Avalon... idiot," She muttered.

"What was that?" 

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" She slammed her fist onto a random desk. "Just, how the hell were you able to be born?"



"Rin? Are you-"



After that outburst, she seemed to go back to 'normal' as she smiled at Saber as if none of the screaming just happened.

"It's amazing that nobody has noise complaints."

"Right? God, I love being a magus!"

"..," The servant just looked at the mage, sighing after a few seconds.

"So?" Rin sat down after grabbing a chair, "What's it like being a semi-servant?"

"... In what way?"

"Like, aren't you half normal person and half heroic spirit? Shouldn't that feel weird having a half-phantasmal constitution don't you think?" The magus questioned, putting resting her left leg on her right.

"Well I haven't experienced something weird. I asked both Mom and Dad about what it's like on their end. Or at least, what WAS it like on their end. Mom's an actual human in Avalon yet she's still a heroic spirit, if that makes sense," She explained somewhat poorly which caused the mage to furrow her brows together. "And Dad's human, but being in Avalon sorta gave him qualities of a servant?"


Rin just sighs, knowing that the being in front of her inherited the stubbornness of the couple she once helped during the 5th Fuyuki Grail War. She stood up and walked towards the stairs but before she ascended, she spoke to the servant one last time for the night.

"There's no current conflict, we just summoned you here to teach Kurosuzu more about magecraft," She states, turning her head towards the servant. "But we can't be too secure now, can we? Oh and you're free to roam around, cook and or eat lots of food."


With those words, the magus left the servant alone in the mansion's basement. Seeming as she had nothing else to do, Saber stood up, manifested her casual clothing, and entered spirit form to quietly roam around Fuyuki City, the city where her parents' bond was made possible.


She roamed the streets of Fuyuki city in spirit form until she found a safe spot in which to manifest, where she'd continue her walk physically to properly appreciate the view that the city lights had to offer. Of course, she manifested clothes appropriate for modern times. A simple pink sweater, black pants, and an auburn-red cap. She had a decent figure, which makes being spotted by drunkards at night quite a hassle. Luckily for her, she has a skill that lets herself be perceived as a male to others as long as she had something on top of her head.

"Might as well visit the things Dad usually visits..," She muttered as she leisurely walked towards her first destination.

It was a half an hour walk to the servant's destination, with her observing the building from outside its walls and gates. The place?

"So this was Dad's school... it's the first time I've seen it. More like, a school in general..," She stared at the building's appearance.

Homuhara Academy. A decent high school that offers enough education for the average person to get a job. It was large which made it sort of daunting, but from what she's been told, it's education wasn't that harsh. She casually hopped over the gates and began roaming the closed campus. She explored everything it has to offer, from class and clubrooms to the archery dojo, which she piqued her interest.


She quietly observed the wooden dojo. It looked neat, and even looked as if it wasn't used often. Often true considering how daunting archery can be to most people. The servant sighed and walked up to the bows to study their condition. Nothing that great, just regular wooden bows used by students in the archery club. The arrows were judged the same, being used to shoot the targets a few meters away from the platform. She then walked up to that same platform and observed it as well, finding nothing interesting other than the fact that she could sense a portion of her Dad's presence here. She sighed, a black bow and a white short sword appearing in her left and right hands respectively.

"Was it like this..?"

She was questioning her method of loading the sword, named Bakuya, onto the bow. She wanted to make use of the other swords than those in her mother's legend. Of course, with swords being what they are, it was deemed quite difficult for the Saber-class servant. Eventually, she got it loaded onto the bow with the use of her precision and patience. She aimed for the target's bullseye, her stance was as if she was in an actual battlefield.

Before she could fire, she sensed a person within the school, so she quickly dematerialized both her bow and Bakuya to enter spirit form. She concluded that she's pretty much explored every nook and cranny of the place, so she went onward to the next destination.

Once in a safe spot she manifested her body to continue walking the streets of the rather peaceful city. She took in it's surroundings, silently admiring it as she walked. Before she knew it, she was in front of it. Something that was very familiar to her, yet it was also something very foreign. She walked up to a sign engraved on wooden structures, a held back smile appearing on her face.

"So this is the actual Emiya residence, huh?"

She stared at the traditional Japanese home from its front, a sigh escaping her lips. As much as she wants to explore it, she really can't do much if there's a person living within it, which was likely the case due to a few connections that her Dad has.

She then entered spirit form to go to her next destination. A destination where she could view the whole city. That destination was atop a building in the heart of the city.


She sat upon the floor, observing the the starry night above. She took a moment to appreciate where she was and what she's able to see. A smile formed on her face, though it was a rather melancholic one.

"I wonder where they ended up," She muttered as she stood up to sit on the edge of the building. 

She sat there for hours just thinking of what could've been if both of them were summoned with her. But it can't be helped, she was a heroic spirit after all. She's a wraith in the standards set by the grail in other to become a heroic spirit, but she has as much vitality as a normal human does. Despite her constitution of steel, she's often attractive to flowers. Despite her blood of prana, she feels warm to the touch. Despite never being in conflict, she rushes head on to server her master. Despite being a lost soul, blades of guidance help her find her way.

She once again sighed, looking to her right to see the sun dying the sky a pleasant purple. She quietly observed the beautiful sunrise in silence, knowing that it was something underappreciated.

"Kenme Pendragon. Son of a magus and heroic spirit. Saber-class servant that utilizes magecraft, and is a sword herself..," She whispered to herself with a content smile as she watched the serenity of her surroundings.

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