Family Bonding

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"Oi, new Saber."


In the corridor that led to and from the cafeteria and training grounds were 2 Saber-class servants that were related to King Arthur. One was the famous Knight of Treachery and the 'son' of the King of Knights, the other having her origins from a fake rendition of an end to the story of Camelot's King. This encounter was bound to happen in Chaldea, one way or another.

"You're related to Father right?"

"'Father'? Wait-"

"I'm talking about that damned King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon."

"Oh... well, then my answer is yes. I am indeed related to her."

"Tch. That asshole really went off and had another child," Mordred muttered, noticeably pissed off. "Your True Name?" She questioned her supposed half-sibling.

"It's Kenme Pendragon. And you're..."

"Mordred Pendragon. The knight that dealt a lethal blow to King Arthur during the battle of Camlann," She answered, smirking as she saw Kenme's bright expression. "What gives? Smiling after hearing the King's death? You some sucker for that or what?"

"You're a Pendragon..?!" Kenme asked with a squeal.

"Uh. Yes? Something wrong with me being related-"

Before Mordred can finish her sentence she was suddenly enveloped in an embrace, which she swiftly got out of. She wasn't wearing her armor, only having the garments she'd wear outside of battle, so it was shocking to suddenly have warmth on her exposed skin.

"That makes us sisters!" Kenme squealed as she jumped in excitement, her expression was forged by her overflowing joy.

"H-ha!?" Flustered, Mordred aggressively grabbed her by the sleeve. "The hell do you think you're saying?!"

"I'm so happy!" Kenme ignored the somewhat-hostile Mordred who's on the verge of destroying her dress' sleeve.

"Now now Mordred, be a good older sister and get along."

Behind Mordred, a subtle golden light appeared. A woman in a white gown, shoulder-length blonde hair that would usually be tied up in a bun, emerald-colored eyes, and petite build showed up. The Knight of Treachery's eyes widened at the sight when she turned around.

"What... the fuck?" She swore at the woman in front of her, "F-father? Is that you?"

"I may or may not be the your version, but yes, I'm Arthur Pendragon. The fabled King of Knights that ruled the kingdom of Camelot," Artoria answered. "How have you been, Mordred?" She asked in a motherly tone.


Mordred slowly backed off from Kenme, allowing Artoria to embrace her daughter. Of course, Mordred was in utter shock from the information she's getting. She plan was to ask Kenme if she was related to the King of Knights and leave, regardless of the answer. But now that Kenme declared them being siblings -the fact that she referred to her as a female-, and the fact that she saw her Father, the o so perfect King of Camelot, in such a feminine appearance. It just baffled her beyond words.

"Wha... the hell am I seeing!? FATHER?! IN THAT TYPE OF CLOTHING!? WHAT THE ACTUAL F-"

"Language, Mordred!" Artoria scolding, giving a light chop to her forehead.


After relocating to the cafeteria, Mordred was forced to sit down with Kenme as Artoria went to the counter to order some sandwiches specifically from Emiya. Kenme happily stared at her 'brother' as she hummed a gentle tune, with Mordred ironically listening in on said tune whilst looking at a certain Caster in red and white clothes. Something about that man irks Mordred in a somewhat good way.

"So..," Mordred starts, "You should thank Master for tempering me down a bit. I'd be trying to cut you in half if it weren't for her."

"Really? I guess I should do just that next time I see Master. Though, you trying to kill me won't deter me from talking to my sister," She replied, giving Mordred a warm smile.

Minutes later Artoria would arrive with 10 baskets filled with sandwiches, and when she revealed its contents, showed neat and appetizing sandwiches made by Chaldea's head chef. Kenme and Mordred had their eyes set on the sandwiches, though the former's reaction was more visible compared to the latter's.

The former King of Knights put each and every basket on their table, with Emiya coming to their table to give them 3 glasses and a pitcher filled with water. He and Artoria chatted for a minute before he opted to go back to tending to the cafeteria, their topic being a brief call-back to the Grail War that allowed Artoria to live happily with Shirou and eventually have Kenme in Avalon.

The 3 Saber-class servants then dug into the sandwiches, releasing a bunch of pleased sounds as they took their first bite. Even Mordred couldn't keep it in, that's how good it was. Conversations would happen between the 3, though Mordred was merely dragged into the mother-daughter talking with a few nods and 'hms' as her answers.

Eventually, they downed all the sandwiches in about an hour and a half. A record considering who were eating them, yet a rather nice change of pace. With the sandwiches gone and having nothing left to do, Mordred was about to leave the pair she ate with alone, only to be stopped by her supposed sibling.

"Stay with us a little longer pleaseee~?"


"Ah! I know!" An orange glow appeared in her left palm, a rectangular object appearing out of it. "Let's watch some videos!" 


"She's talking about watching things akin to stage plays in modern times," Artoria answered, "You should give it a shot, just this once Mordred."


Mordred stood there with a conflicted look on her face. A minute later she sighed, reluctantly sitting between Kenme and Artoria. She cursed herself for allowing herself to fall so low, but could she really blame the fact? It is Chaldea after all, a place that has provided a ton of servants relaxation and enjoyment in different forms.


"Huh. Never thought I'd see this."

"What is it Emiya-kun?"

"Maybe it's best if you look for yourself."

The cafeteria staff dropped what they were doing to see what Emiya was seeing, looks of combined shock and relief on their faces at the sight.

It was Kenme and Artoria asleep. Their pillow? Mordred Pendragon. The servant notorious for having a hot head, was now sleeping with such a peaceful face. What surprised them even more was that she was resting with her tale's enemy, the o so wonderful King of Camelot. Boudica, being the kind of woman she is, wanted to take a picture of the sight. Tama-Cat agreed with rapid nods of excitement, rubbing her head on Emiya's upper arm as to convince him to let Boudica take the picture. The head chef, being who he is -or was, rather-, reluctantly allowed them to take a photo, sighing in the process.

"Make it quick. We still have over a hundred plates and glasses, and over half a thousand utensils to wash," The Knight in Red says to his colleagues as he returns to the counter.

And thus, a new mementos of Chaldea was made during that evening.


Mordred awoke but chose not to open her eyes, not daring to see who or what was doing this to her. This could be an illusion, one that was meant to play tricks on her. But, there was one thing that kept her from kicking her carrier to disconnect their head from their body.

'Why the fuck does this feel so natural!?'

She opted to open her eyes a bit, enough to where she can see. And boy did she see alright.

"Hm? You're awake?" Her carrier questioned, with Mordred herself sighing in the process.

"If you know then drop me, dumbass!" She yelled in embarrassment. Was she really being carried like a princess?!

Her carrier let he down gently, allowing her to stand on her feet. Mordred fixed her clothes and straightened her posture before finally taking a good look at the audacious one, who dared embarrass her in a place with plentiful honorable heroes.

"Tch. So it's you. You're the one who took the summoning room out of commission for 2 weeks."

"Apologies. Shirou-san told me to carry you back to your room after he took his lover and child with him," Caster replied, his voice having little-to-no emotion.

"Who's this Shirosan? And from what you said, he's the one who transformed Father into... whatever the hell that was!?"

"Y-you might want to keep your voice down. Master is probably resting right now, and we're coincidentally near her room."

After those words left his mouth, Mordred looked a few doors down from the corridor and saw that they really were nearby Murazaki's room. This annoyed her, as she couldn't gather information the way she wanted to.

"Tch. Meet me at the training grounds tomorrow. I'm asking a lot of questions. Got that?" She asked- no, threatened Caster, who just had a constant poker face.

"Sure. I too have a question or 2 for you, Mordred-san," He gave a warm smile before going the opposite way of her.

'Weirdo,' Thought the Knight of Treachery before walking off to Chaldea's bar to drink it all away.



The Tohsaka mansion. Once an astounding building where a man with power once stood, now reduced to a casual living-space that's home to 2 people. A woman with purple hair and eyes would sometimes visit, though that was only during holidays when most people aren't busy.

"So? Ready to summon that servant?" 


The occupants of this home being Rin Tohsaka, a highly-ranked individual in the Mage's Association due to her skills and knowledge in magecraft, and her adopted son named Kurosuzu. The boy had snow-white hair and gray eyes, a fact that Rin should've included in the naming of the once nameless boy.

Before she took him in he was akin to a homunculus. She even mistook him as one before conducting an analysis on him. The reason she took him in was to have an heir to the Tohsaka lineage without having to procreate, not after her love for HIM didn't bloom. Of course, that means that the Tohsaka bloodline properly ends with her, since Sakura isn't the head and is probably not planning to have anyone as her lover, but that doesn't mean that the Tohsaka family ends with her.

She was currently having her adopted son summon a servant due to his rather high amounts of magic circuits that are of high quality. She trained him in the basics of magecraft, even going as far as projecting a knife and a simple Glock, which reminded her of THAT person. They were currently in the room where she herself summoned her servant over 16 years ago for the 5th Holy Grail War. The catalyst was nothing special. It wasn't a shard of a famed table, nor a piece of an ancient Greek boat. It was merely a shattered sword, a sword projected by HIM. Was this an ulterior motive on Rin's part? Yes, yes it was. She had a tiny bit of hope that she could at least see HIM again, even it that means that he'd never be the same as he was during their time in the war, though she accepted that it's almost impossible for that to happen.

Korosuzu stood on the red summoning circle, his foster Mother standing in the doorway to monitor his servant-summoning. He put the catalyst in the middle of the circle and stepped back as he bit his finger with enough force for blood to release. He closed his eyes and begun reciting the words Rin had told him to memorize just for this moment, the circle glowing and releasing an orange glow during the middle of it. Moments later, the subtle orange glow turned into a bright light, blinding both Kurosuzu and Rin as a phrase rang through their ears.

"I've answered to your summons. Servant, Saber. I ask of you, are you my master?"

Moments pass before the mother-son duo were allowed to open their eyes again, expecting a woman that's supposed to be Kurosuzu's servant. Yet...


As Rin was losing her mind over the fact that her son summoned a weird, yet beautifully designed sword that was stabbed into the wooden floor of their manor, Kurosuzu slowly walked up to it, as if the sword was luring him in to pick it up. He slowly approached the sword, ignoring his mother's ongoing rant about what just happened. He grabbed the hilt of the sword, his hand was, in his eyes, suddenly ignited by a fire. A fire that shared the same captivating feel as the sword as he slowly removed the sword from the floor, visions taking place in his mind.

A field of grass and flowers. Such beautiful scenery that's only obtainable through the richest natural resources from soil to rainfall. That very same field was, however, twisted. It was twisted due to the amount of blades implanted onto the ground, yet no traces of war were present. Then, reality struck him. What was that? He'll never know. 

As the current Tohsaka head calmed down, she noticed another presence within the room Kurosuzu was in. She rushed in, thinking it was an assassin, only to see something bizarre. 

Translucent swords appeared around the circle as flowers float around the room. She sees that her son had command seals on his left hand, the sword that was stabbed into the flooring in the very same hand. Rin studied the sword, it's unique design intrigued her. The colors reminded her of her servant during the 5th Fuyuki Grail War, yet the hilt was reminiscent of another servant in the war.

Suddenly, a woman appeared in the middle of the circle. Her hair color was a lighter color, but Rin recognizes it. Her eyes were a beautiful green, her gown enhancing the beauty the servant already had. 

"Ah..," Kurosuzu let out, captivated by the woman's beauty.

The summoned servant then look at the boy's hand, specifically, the sword within it. Said sword disappeared from his grasp, the woman before them now placing it into a scabbard located on her waist. Before any of the Tohsakas could speak, the servant struck first.

"Servant Saber. Kenme Pendragon, daughter of Shirou Emiya and Artoria Pendragon, has answered to your summons."

Silence filled the room, with Rin and Kurosuzu looking at the Saber servant with confused looks while the servant looked with a nervous look.

"Uhm... are you good there? Do you-"


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