Day of Swords (Shirou Day Special!)

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(A/N: Let's show some appreciation for our boy now, shall we? Also, this takes place a week after the school special I wrote so yeah. Here's to the following Shirou Days! Also, expect 3 new chapters soon.)


"We're doing that? Right here, right now?" An Archer in red questioned with his arms crossed.

"For once I agree with him. Is this really necessary?" Shirou asked with a hint of concern as he was being glared at by EMIYA and his alter form.

"I don't mind it if it means I get to escape Rin's wrath. Well, more like Ishtar's, but you get my point," Caster EMIYA voiced out, earning chuckles from his counterparts apart his fellow Counter Guardians.

"Huh. Never guessed I'd see the day where I'd see my descendant and his other versions. Which one of you is the original anyway?" Asked Chaldea's blacksmith, Senji Muramasa.

"Nobody. We're all fakes," All of them reply, causing the blacksmith to sweat a comically large bead of sweat down his forehead. 

"For once I have to agree with you mongrels. After all, you've come to realized that a fake CAN'T surpass the almighty original. Fuhahahaha!"

All the 'Shirous' turn to where the voice came from. Of course, they didn't even need to think who it was, only needing to think if there were at least a hundred Gates of Babylon aiming right at them.

"I'll say it once and I'll say it again, King of Heroes," Caster EMIYA stepped up. "You're just a king, not a warrior. Sure you're the first hero, but that doesn't mean that little old me won't beat your dusty golden ass again. You don't even have enough weapons aside from Ea and Enkidu!" 

"Hmph. Be thankful that Master has used a command seal on me SPECIFICALLY not to attack you this day. Otherwise, all of you fakers would be incinerated by Ea. Now I move, curs, I must attend a royal meeting between kings."

The King of Heroes then brushed past the versions of the Wrought Iron Hero, and with it caused the latter to return to square one.

Why were they gathered here? On this day specifically? Thankfully for them, they seemed to get their answer once Da Vinci and Murazaki came up to them.

"Yo! How you guys doing?" Their master greeted with a cheery grin.

"Could be better," All of them reply whilst eyeing each other. Most notably the Archer and Caster versions of EMIYA, who weren't hiding the the fact that they were glaring at each other.

"Ok grape! Now follow us!" Murazaki commands. At first, Archer EMIYA and his alter counterpart stayed behind whilst the rest followed. Though one intimidating stare from their master, along with the glow of her command seals caused them to follow.

Roughly 5 minutes pass until they stop at the control room. They see another version of themselves, one that's similar to Muramasa's vessel whilst having the approval of Archer EMIYA. They simply dubbed him 'Emiyu' due to Miyu claiming that specific Shirou as her brother. All versions of Shirou Emiya took a minute to arrange themselves in no particular order.

That was when Murazaki's eyes lit up, and so did her command seals. This instilled fear into every single one of them, even the ones that weren't actually servants like Firou (Fate Shirou) and Emiyu (OUS Shirou).

"Heed my call heroes of old! By my command seal, I order you to release your Reality Marbles!" The master commanded with a sinister smile. Archer EMIYA in particular shuddered, being the first to arrive really engraved that smile as something he should get away from.

Now, the reason they didn't question how she commanded ALL of them was because she got help from a certain Ruler-class servant who bore a striking resemblance to Archer was behind Murazaki with an innocent smile, meaning he was also forced into this.

"I am the bone of my sword..."

All of them chant, the control room gaining lines of prana all throughout the room. Of course, with the amount of mana and servants present, it was bound to attract the attention of ALL the servants that WEREN'T with any of the adult versions of Gilgamesh for obvious reasons.

"Steel is my body, and fire is my blood."

Translucent swords started appearing all around the room with various shapes, sizes, and history. It was breathtaking to those experiencing this phenomenon right now.

"I have created over a thousand blades..."

That was when the group was split.

"Unknown to death..."

Archer EMIYA, his alter form, and Muramasa (The actual Shirou this time, which is HF Shirou) say.

"Unaware of gain..."

Firou, Caster EMIYA, and Emiyu say.

"Have withstood pain to create many weapons..." 

"Waiting for one's arrival."

The room was then engulfed in a harmless mix of blue and red flames as servants bursts through the control room's door.

"MASTER! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" A plethora of servants yelled, mostly consisting of Altria Pendragon, Ishtar, Ereskigal, Parvati, Kama, and their various other versions.

Though, they were too late.

"Unlimited Blade Works!" 

All people present were then engulfed in a white light as the flames bursts, changing reality as they see fit. Upon opening their eyes, the newly arrived servants looked in awe at the sight.

It was a world. No, it was the combination of 6 different mental landscapes. Some were similar whilst some were vastly different from each other, though they shared the same origin and purpose. A world with nothing but swords, though varying in landscape, was all it basically was.

Though, that beauty didn't save them from the wrath of these women.


"Welp. Shit," Archer EMIYA sighed.

Emiyu was nowhere to be seen despite his version being present. EMIYA Alter seemed to have left midway through the chant, and Muramasa stood there confused as he regained control over his body.

Let's just say that all of them had a 'happy time' as the versions of the Wrought Iron Hero present received several Noble Phantasms to the face.

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