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- Everything good up there? We heard some weird sounds. - Changbin said as we walked down the stairs.

- All good. - I replied while I looked at Jeongin and Seungmin with flashing eyes, warning them not to say a word.

After a while, the rest of the group joined us, so I started explaining what we were going to do that night.

- Alright guys, listen up. Tonight we have a cocaine deal at the abandoned plant. They said that it is very important for us not to fail, given that the rival gang has already tried multiple times to corrupt this dealer. Therefore, Jisung and Seungmin will need backup. - I turned to Minho and he nodded, stepping forward.

- I will come up with a plan in the next hour. - I thanked him with a movement of the head, then turned to the rest of the group.

- What we know for sure is that there will probably be an ambush. We don't know how many men will be there, we don't know where they will come from. What I suggest is that we do everything as fast as possible. - The others nodded in agreement.

As I dismissed them, they all started walking back to their rooms to gather their things and get ready.

I could see Hyunjin, still sat on the couch with the pillow on his legs, eyeing Felix from head to toe, a deadly gaze scanning him. Felix met his eyes, returning the attitude. I felt like I needed to intervene to avoid the situation degenerating, so I stepped forward between the two.

- You better resolve your disagreements without harming each other because I cannot afford to build a new squad. Suck it up and both of you go get ready for tonight. - I felt like a mother instructing her kids on how to properly behave.

- I won't suck it up until this dickhead stops fucking you. - Felix hissed between his teeth, squinting his eyes at Hyunjin.

The latter got up, towering over him, his arms muscles flexing due to the rage. He was clenching his wrists so hard that I could see his hand veins enlarge from the pressure.

- Listen here, Lee Felix - Hyunjin grabbed Felix by the neck, dragging him until the back of the younger hit the wall. His eyes were filled with flames, the true look of a madman - I will not tell you again. You touch her once more, and I will slit your throat open. Then,... -

- HYUNJIN! - I shouted, not allowing him to finish the sentence. He turned towards me, his eyes returning to normality. They emanated sorrow, yet with hints of rage.

He let go of Felix's neck, the latter catching up with the breaths he had lost due to the choking.

Hyunjin stormed out of the living room, eventually slamming the door of his bedroom.

Felix followed suit, looking at me with eyes which I could not really decipher. Hatred, maybe care and thankfulness, a very dangerous mix.

I sighed, plopping down on the couch. My mind started thinking on how to prevent the two from fighting. I couldn't afford this night's mission to fail because of those two.

My mind went trough the argument the two previously had. "I won't suck it up until this dickhead stops fucking you", Felix had said. So it was jealousy.

Shit. What did I get into?

It was wrong, I had done the only thing I was not supposed to: allow them to become emotionally attached to me.

I hid my face in my hands, thinking on how to fix this mess, when I heard a feeble voice coming from the stairs.

- Eun, are you okay? - it was Minho, peering from the corner of the staircase, looking at me with worried eyes.

- Yeah, I'm good. I just don't know how to deal with the mess between Hyunjin and Felix. - He approached me, sitting down on the couch next to me. He was silent for a moment, staring at his feet, thinking.

- Do you feel anything for them? - I must have looked at him with questioning eyes, because he had to explain what he meant. - I mean love. Do you love any of them? - Hyunjin. Hyunjin was the first name that came to my mind when the word "love" was mentioned. Yet, I was not sure. Maybe it was just that I preferred him to Felix, or maybe it was just a meaningless thought.

I was so lost in contemplation that I did not realise my heart had skipped a beat.

- So? - Minho was waiting for an answer.

- N-no, I don't think I love any of them. It's just... sex. - I looked back at him, and he raised his eyebrows unconvinced.

- I'll give you time to think about it. - He said, standing up from the couch, flinching at the sharp pain that caught his injured arm. - The only thing I can suggest is that you make a choice, and not lead them both on for nothing. - I thanked him with a movement of the head and a slight smile as he disappeared behind the corner, going to the kitchen.

I remained sat on couch, not moving, lost in my thoughts.

After a while I snapped back, standing up and going to my room.

- I'll be ready with the plan in forty-five minutes. You go sleep now, you really look tired. - Minho said in a reassuring tone as I walked upstairs.

As I entered my room, I followed his advice, falling down on the bed and sleeping immediately, not really caring about changing clothes.

I woke up to the feeling of Jisung shaking my arm to wake me up.

- Come on, lazy ass. We have been shouting your name for the past five minutes. - I stood up, not really understanding what was going on around me, but I followed him downstairs, where everybody was waiting for me.

They were all set up in a circle around the main table, where Minho had laid down some pictures of the plant, with handwritten notes all over them.

As I sat down, he waited for my approval before starting to explain what the plan was.

Madman [Hwang Hyunjin ff]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt