Ch. 3: Filming in Atlanta

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AN: Sorry this took so long but I am back and hopefully I can get better with posting. Without further ado here it is, happy reading.

Roll call time, also what is ur favorite MCU movie?

Y/N's POV:

We made it to Atlanta a few days ago, I didn't want to bring up the last minute ditch from Lizzie because I knew she just wanted to spend time with Robbie. I have been talking with Jaime since that day and it is going well. I am currently on my morning run when my phone rings, I look down at the contact and her picture pops up.

Me: Someone is up early

Hazel Eyes: Yeah I had to get up early for a story that I have been covering. What are you doing you sound out of breath.

Me: I am currently on a run

Hazel Eyes: Oh do you need to go, I can call back later

Me: No it's ok I can do both, so what is this story you are covering

She proceeded to tell me all about that and a few other stories that she had coming up. She really did love her job at the news station.

Me: So did you figure out when you are able to come out and see me

Hazel Eyes: I think I will be able to come out in a couple of weeks, is that ok.

Me: Yeah that should be great, they don't need me on set too much while they are filming I just am on call just in case they would like my services.

Hazel Eyes: That is so cool, ok I guess I will see you in a couple of weeks. I have to go my camera guy is coming back. I'll talk to you later have a great day.

Me: You too, I will talk later.

We say our goodbyes and I finish up with my run and head right into the shower. When I come out of my on-suite bathroom I jump when I hear Lizzie say something from behind me. "Jesus Lizard don't do that and what are you doing in here" I asked still in my towel. "You didn't answer me when I called for you and your door was unlocked" she said still sitting on my bed. "Sorry I went out for a run then needed to shower. Now I have to get dressed so would you mind stepping out" I asked. "It isn't like I haven't seen you naked before" She shoots back, and it was true she has seen me naked before. But I am pretty sure if Robbie found that out it would be a different situation. "Ok but you are with Robbie now and I have- well I have been talking to someone" I say.

"Wait your talking to someone, when did this happen" She asked. "Liz can we please talk about this when I am not naked in a towel" I say. "Oh right, I guess I will meet you downstairs so we can head to set" She said as she got up and left. I followed her so I could lock the door and get dressed. I put on some simple black joggers and a graphic tee and some tennis shoes. I throw my hair up in a high pony and grab my bag and head downstairs. I make my way into the kitchen and I see Lizzie sitting at the kitchen island drinking her tea. "You ready to get out of here" I say as I grab my protein shake from the fridge. She nods and we make our way out to our rental car, we decided to rent just one car since we are living together.

As we make our way to the set I fully expect Lizzie to start questioning me about Jaime. She clears her throat and there it is, here we go. "So who are you talking with and when did this start" she questioned. "Well mother, her name is Jaime and we met the day before we left" I say with a laugh. "Oh, well was that wise to get into a relationship right before you were going to leave for months" she said with a rude undertone. "Well if you must know we are not in a relationship, we are just talking and coming from the queen of moving fast you have no room to talk" I snap back. I have to be honest I am slightly annoyed that she is acting this way. She doesn't say another word and the rest of the ride is in silence. When we pull onto set we sign in and make our way to legal. We sign our NDA's and she heads to her trailer while I head to the on set gym.

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