Ch. 19: Mending Broken Bridges

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AN: Hey everyone sorry I took such a long break but I am back now and ready to go. Also sorry this is out so late, I don't know how many times I rewrote this chapter and almost scrapped it but here u go. I hope everyone had a great holiday and New Years. I hope y'all are ready because some exciting things are coming your way. Well without further ado happy reading.

What is your New Year's resolution this year?

Y/N's POV:

It's been a few weeks since I was released from the rehab center, and PT has been going good. I am still in New York at Scarlett's house and it feels nice to just be out of the hospital like setting. I still struggle a bit with the walking but I can now walk with just a cane. Stairs are still a bit tricky and my speech is almost back to normal. I still have memory issues and my mood swings have lessened. "Y/N let's go or we are going to be late" I hear Scarlett yell from down the hall. I shuffle out of my makeshift bedroom here and down the hall to see Scarlett helping Rose put on her shoes. "Hey, sorry I lost track of time" I say slipping on my shoes and putting on my hoodie. "It's ok but if we are late to one more therapy session your therapist is going to kill me" she says with a laugh. "Ok so let's get going" I say moving towards the door knowing it is going to take me a bit longer to get to the car.

Once we are settled in we start our journey into the city, I just look out the window watching the building fly by. "Y/N did you hear me" I hear Scarlett ask. "What, um no what did you say" I answer back. "I asked how these are going" she asked again. I shrug my shoulders, honestly I don't know if they are we mainly focus on the attack but she also has dug a bit deeper and brought up my parents death. "I don't know, I guess they must be helping I don't get nightmares as often" I answer truthfully. "Well that's good I am glad that your therapist suggested this new one while you are here" she said. "Yeah, Dr. Fisher is great I still miss Greg but once I go back to L.A. this will have to do" I say. "So have you decided when you are going back" Scarlett asked.

I think about it, I know I have to go back. I have my gym, my home and friends but every time I think about these flashes of everything that went wrong roll in. "I know I have to but how do I go back to the place where it all went to shit" I say truthfully. "Well first off watch your language my child is in the car, and second it's not going to be easy but Y/N you are one of the strongest people I know. You came back from nearly dying and look at you now" she tells me. I can feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, I know she is right I need to go back I just don't know if I can do it by myself.

I am grateful for everything that Scarlett and the twins have done for me but I can't ask them to drop their lives to go back to L.A. with me. "I don't think I can do this by myself, it's not fair of me to ask everyone to drop their lives because I'm scared" I say fidgeting with my fingers. I don't realize that we have parked until Scarlett turns in her seat and grabs my hands. "Y/N, look at me you are not alone. You have so many people in your corner and we would gladly drop anything to be there for you. But this isn't about us is it" she questioned.

I furrow my brows at her question "why would you say that" I asked. She looks at me like I asked a stupid question "Y/N, you don't think by now I don't know who you really want to be there for you. Have you two talked since you've been out" she asked. I look down at my hands not wanting to answer because the answer is no. I haven't seen or talked with her since my blow up on her in the rehab center. All I know is that she stayed with her sisters and then headed back to California. "Y/N answer my question have you two talked" she asked again. "No, I never got the chance she took off back to California before we got the chance to talk and I- I guess I'm just too scared to talk" I say hanging my head low. "I know this talk is not going to be easy and it is going to bring up a lot of memories but I think the only way to get over this fear of being back home this is what needs to happen" she said. I nod my head, I know what she is saying is what needs to happen but it is easier said than done. "Alright let's get you into this session, because I am not qualified nor am I getting paid to help you with your problems" Scarlett says which makes us both laugh.

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