Ch. 12: Storm Is A Brewing

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AN: Hello everyone sorry this is out so late work has been something else. Been working hard to stay on track with the posting schedule. Also I have been working on a new story that I might release in a few weeks. Any who happy reading and enjoy the chapter.

Do you ski, snowboard or are uncoordinated like me?


Y/N's POV:

It has been about a month since Lizzie went back to Atlanta so I know she has a few more weeks of shooting left. Things with my personal life have been going great, Jaime and I are doing great. We have been official for a month now and I am definitely not complaining in that department. But I can't say the same for the gym, I have tried real hard to retain as many of my normal members as possible even opening it up on the weekends to the public but there are still articles roaming around about me. That's where I find myself this morning in my office trying to go over the numbers to see what the impact is. I sigh and run my hands through my hair running through the numbers and they are not good. A knock on my door draws me out of myself pitty.

"Hey there boss" Jenna said walking into the office. "Hey, so I need to know what you want to do with this" She said handing over a tablet. I grab the tablet and look at the article on it

Local gym owner caught in a cheating scandal with celebrity Elizabeth Olsen

"What the fuck, where do these people come up with this crap" I say reading the rest of the article. It says there is a source close to the parties involved that is giving exclusives but want to remain anonymous. "Who the hell is this freaking source and why would they spread more lies" I say. "I don't know but we have been fielding calls all morning trying to calm down the parents" Jenna said. I sigh dropping my head to the table and try to figure out what I am going to do. That is until I remember that they named Liz in that article. "I have to call Liz, this is going to be bad for her" I say and Jenna picks up the tablet and walks out. I grab my phone and dial Lizzie's number it picks up after a few rings.

Me: Liz-

Lizard: I can't talk right now Y/N

Me: Lizzie I am so sorry I don't know what is going on

Lizard: Yeah it's a real mess, I can't talk right now. We are trying to save my career and fix your shit.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, what does she mean my shit. It's not like I wanted this, it's hurting me too. I am fighting to keep my gym open and I don't have the team like she does.

Me: Liz, please I-

Lizard: I have to go

She ends the call before I can say anything else, "Fuck" I yell out slamming my phone down on my desk. I take a few breaths before I head out to the main floor to find Ross and Jenna fielding phone calls, when one hangs up another one rings. It goes on that for a few hours before they are able to take a breather. I look over at the desk and I can see names of members with them being scratched out and I drop my head. "How bad is it, just tell me" I say not looking up from the desk. "I am not going to lie Y/N its bad, out of the 30 that we had this morning we only have 6 left" Jenna said. All the air leaves my body at that statement and my whole world seems to come crashing down. "6 we only have 6, what is going on" I say starting to breathe a bit quicker. I feel myself start to panic and I drop to the floor pulling my knees to my chest. I can't seem to catch my breath and I feel a pair of hands on my knees.

"Y/N you have to breathe ok, take a deep breath. There you go now let it out slowly" I can make out Jenna saying. A few more minutes of that and I can feel myself starting to calm down. "Come on let's get you up, Ross bring over that chair" she said and I see Ross brining over a chair. "Here sit, I'm going to get you some water" she said. I place my head in my hands resting my elbow on my legs. I feel a hand on my back and a water bottle placed in front of my face. "Ross, why don't you go home today. I got this we will keep you all posted soon" She said and Ross shook his head and walked away. "How can this be happening, what the hell did I do" I finally say after taking a drink of water. "I don't know but we will figure it out, I think what would be best is to close down for a bit until we can get a handle on things" Jenna suggested. Her words ring through my head, I failed, I have ran this gym into the ground just by me being a part of it. "

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