Ch. 5: Robbie Comes to Town

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AN: Sorry for the lack of updates on both books but life decided to throw a curve ball my way. It tried to give me a belated birthday present (Covid). Good news is I don't have yay me. Well on to the chapter enjoy.

Roll call time who is here:

Lizzie's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the light peeking through the shades when I try to move to get out of it's unrelenting rays I am stopped by a weight on my torso. I look down to see Y/N's arm draped over me and her mouth slightly open and a soft snore coming from her mouth. She has always been the cuddly one and as far as I can remember she has always craved touch, it got even worse after her parents died. I look over at her and get lost in her features so soft and caring she has always been there for me. When I broke up with Boyd she helped put the pieces back together, she was also there when I would get into fights with my sisters or just needed a person to be there. She has always been that rock for me, and now that I am with Robbie I feel like she is slipping away from me. I need to make sure that Robbie knows that Y/N will always be a part of my life, that I need her to be a part of it.

Now that I am awake I decide to wiggle my way out of the bed, thankfully Y/N is a pretty heavy sleeper always has been. I finally wiggle free and make my way to the bathroom and do my normal morning routine before I head downstairs and make myself some coffee. Once I am seated I pull out my phone and look over my schedule for next week as I go back on Monday. I answer some emails, and text my sisters to tell them how Y/N is doing, I then text mom with an update she had to go back to LA a couple of days ago. I am brought out of my conversations with both my sisters and mother by a light knock at the door. I hesitated going to it as I was not expecting anyone, I also debated getting Y/N but seeing she is crippled at the moment I was on my own.

I slowly make my way to the door and peak out the peephole to see Robbie standing there with some flowers. I quickly open the door "Robbie what are you doing here, you weren't supposed to be here until Tuesday" I say wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. "I thought I would surprise you, we wrapped early on some stuff so I decided to come early" he said. "Yes that is great come in, come in how was your flight" I asked. "Not bad, went pretty quick" he said setting his bag down and handing me the flowers. "These are for you" he said kissing my cheek. "Thanks babe, I really am glad your here" I say taking the flowers to the kitchen to put them in some water. "Me too, but I'm pretty tired I had a very early flight do you mind if I take a nap" he asked. "Yeah, but let me go wake Y/N up real quick so you can take a nap" I say and I see his smile disappear.

"Liz why the hell is she sleeping in your bed, I thought we talked about putting up boundaries with her" he said sternly. "We did, but" before I could answer he cut me off. "Then tell me why the hell is she in your bed, it's bad enough you are sharing a house with her. Can't she get one herself" He spits out. "Well first of all, yes she can but I asked her to share with me so I wasn't alone. Secondly she is sharing my bed because Scarlett and Rose are in her bed" I defend. "Ok, then why couldn't she sleep on the sofa" He says pointing to the sofa. "I am not letting Y/N who is still recovering from an injury sleep on a sofa. Jesus Robbie why do you have such a big deal with her" I ask bluntly. "God you really don't see it do you" He said looking at me. "See what, what don't I see please enlighten me" I spit back at him. "The way she looks at you all the time, she likes you LIz and like more than a friend. I don't like the way she looks at you like she wants you two to be something more than friends" he defends.

I stand there shocked at his accusations there is no way, Y/N and I have been friends for too long and she knows that. Plus she is seeing this girl Jaimie who I still know nothing about and that bugs me. "Bullshit and besides she is seeing someone, or at least trying to" I say and that seems to soften him a bit. "Fine, but I don't think she should be here while I am here" he says. "What, Robbie she is hurt and" before I can finish I hear someone behind me. "That's ok, I don't want to be here with you anymore than you want to be with me" Y/N said while looking at Robbie. Jesus how did this morning go from being so nice to an absolute shit show. "Y/N you can't you still need help and I don't want you to go" I plead. "Hey it's ok, Jaimie will be out soon and I'll just get a hotel room for the week. I'll be ok Lizard don't worry about me" She said with a smile and went back upstairs. I just stand there looking between the empty stairs and Robbie who has a small smirk on his face as he heads up to the bedroom. 'What the fuck just happened' I think to myself.

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