Ch. 23: Starting Over

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AN: Hey everyone I'm alive sorry for the disappearing act. Work was a little crazy I have new found appreciation for those who work long hours or multiple jobs. Well anyways happy reading.

How old were you with your first kiss?
Y/N's POV:

Last night was a whirlwind to say the least between the premiere and the party I am exhausted. But what I can't stop thinking about is the kiss that Lizzie and I shared, I still feel her lips on mine. I still smell the vanilla and strawberries scent she uses, but I know that we still need to talk about what happened. Last night we kind of just kissed and didn't really talk, but there is so much I still want to say to her. She had left before I got up this morning and said that she would be back in the afternoon. So I am currently sitting in my office at the gym and to be honest this is the first time I have been back without Lizzie with me. I still am a little anxious being here but I will be damned if I let Robbie win, I am only pulled out of my head when there is a knock at my door. "Hey boss, here is the file on the kid you wanted" Max said walking in and putting down the file of Greg Gleeson, the 14 year old kid that I have been helping personally. "Thanks Max, hey I really do want to thank you all for what you did while I was away. This gym wouldn't be here if it weren't for you all" I say giving her a smile. "It's no problem I am just glad you are back, now we just have to get your ass back to working out and then we will be great" she said. "Yeah, how about we start next week, some simple stuff to start" I say and she nods her head and walks out the door.

I pick up my office phone and dial Greg's number and wait for it to connect. When I don't get an answer I leave a message saying who I am and if they could give me a call back. I sigh and put the folder off to the side and answer a few emails. I am just about done when the phone rings and I pick it up expecting it to be Greg's parents.

Me: Greg!

Unknown Number: Um no it's Jaime

I freeze at the sound of her voice and I don't know what to say. I blocked her number on my phone and there is nothing that I want to say to her.

Me: I have nothing to say to you and I would appreciate if you would never call me again

Jaime: Please Y/N I know you don't owe me anything and what we did was horrible but please let me explain. I promise after that if you still don't want anything to do with me then I will leave you alone.

I think about it and however much I would love to tell her to fuck off, I think about what she did at the trial.

Me: Fine, meet me at the gym in 30 minutes. If you're not here by then don't bother coming.

Jaime: I'll be there, and Y/N thank you

Me: Yeah see you in 30.

I say before I hang up not waiting for a response, I start to double guess myself maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this.  I start to run through all of the things I want to say to her and what I don't want to hear. A knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts. "Hey I was calling you for a bit what is going on. Is your head hurting if so you need to go home or maybe up to your loft and rest" Jenna says. I shake my head "it's nothing like that Jaime is coming over she should be here soon" I say standing up and sitting on the edge of my desk.

Jenna looks at me with a puzzled look "And why the hell is she coming over, Y/N she has not right" she began. "I know, but she just wanted to talk and explain I know I don't owe her anything but she did help me out at the trial" I say looking down. "Fuck that, this would have never happened if she didn't agree to help them. I love you Y/N but you are too nice, your kind heart and willingness to see the good in people is too much" she said with a slight smile. "I know, but I just want to hear her out then I am done. I have better things to concentrate on" I say smiling at that last bit. My phone dings and I look at the message "she is here" I say looking and Jenna. "I'll show her in and don't think we are done talking about this and whatever that little smile was about" she said walking out of the office.

Love in TrainingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora