Ch. 28: Firsts

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AN: Welp that was an unexpected break sorry for that my lovely readers. Life just got away from me but here I am back again and thought I would give y'all a birthday gift. Since my birthday was a few days ago. Happy reading.

What's you astrological sign ♌️:

Y/N's POV:

To say this morning was a bit of a disaster is an understatement. I over slept my alarm and trying to get a teenager to wake up early is difficult to say the least. But here we are finally at the gym ready to start our day, I have shown Remy around and where she can put her stuff in the staff room. We don't have uniforms so that is a plus, but also a fight I don't have to have with dress code. "So everyday you come in you will punch in on the computer and then punch out. You will only be working about 4 or 5 hours a day and then when you're not working you can be upstairs doing your schoolwork" I say pointing to the backpack near the front desk.

"Cool, so what will I be doing" she asked. By that point Jenna joins us, "Well we are going to start slow, have you clean the equipment and pick up anything that is left about. Once we get you a bit more trained you can help with getting the kids and clients warmed up before their workouts" Jenna informs her. "Cool, so I will get to work with celebrities" she asked. Jenna and I chuckle "Yeah kid, most of them will be Marvel since we have a contract with them but time to time there are others" I say picking up my schedule for the day.

We get Remy set up with a cleaning task and show her where things are and then make sure she is good to go. Jenna and I head to the office to talk over some contracts and what we have up coming. "So with Lizzie doing this Facebook thing I don't have anything with her but I do have to fly out soon to meet with Brie and the crew for Captain Marvel, I already missed so much and they want me out there for a bit. I was thinking of taking Max this time around but I have Remy now" I say. "Yeah that sounds great, but what are you going to do with Remy?" Jenna asked.

"There lies the problem, she just started to trust me and now I have to leave for a few days. I can see if maybe Lizzie would watch her but I'm afraid she is going to be too busy" I say going over every scenario in my head. "Well talk with Lizzie and see what she says maybe I can help out too" Jenna said before we hear a thud outside the office. We continue to make plans for when I am gone and who is going to be filling in since I still haven't hired a new trainer yet. "Ok so I have a few more interviews lined up while you are gone then when you're back we can discuss them" Jenna said picking up the stack of paperwork.

The day rolls on and we stop for lunch and while Jenna takes everyone out I stay behind with my food I packed to look over applicants of kids. I flip through all of them and I access which ones are a good match for Hope Fitness or do they need to go to a gym more capable. Out of the 10 there are 5 that would be a good match. The rest I forward off to the other gyms. "Who are they" I hear behind me and I nearly jump out of my own skin. "Jesus fucking Christ" I scream while holding my chest. "Sorry, I called but you must not have heard me. So who are they" Remy asked again. Once I get over my heart attack "they are kids that would like to workout here" I say holding the files.

"Cool, are you able to help a lot of kids" she asked sipping on her drink. "Yeah, we help as many as we can before they turn 18 then we refer them to other facilities" I say standing up and throwing away my trash. "Have you ever thought about opening another gym catering to them when they become adults" she asked. I think about it and no it really didn't occur to me, damn this kid is smart. "No but that is a great idea I may just have to steal that idea from ya" I say walking back over to her. "I just think a lot of kids in the system age out and then have no real direction to go. This kind of seems the same" she adds on. I make a mental note to talk with Jenna about that.

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