Ch. 9: Early Departure

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AN: Sorry this is out so late I just kept writing and the next thing I knew 6200 words later you have this chapter. Slight warning for this chapter there is some offensive words in here. Once again all characteristics of them are completely fictional.

Let me see who is still with me:

Y/N's POV:

It's been a few months since the accident, and everyone visiting, I finally am back to normal. No more cast, no more broken ribs and Lizzie and I seem to be doing better. Work has been a little crazy for the whole cast, I swear there has been so many script changes and a lot of secrecy surrounding this movie. I don't even know what is going on no one will tell me anything and there hasn't been much traffic in the gym lately. So here I am sitting in the empty gym once again thankfully I have been cleared to start working out again, lightly but it is a start. I decided to do some light arm exercises to test out the arm.

As soon as I am finished doing some very light bicep curls the door opens and I see my best friend walking towards me. "Hey, I would ask how work was but by the looks of your costume it looks rough" I say seeing the torn and battered clothing. "Yeah we have been released today due to technical difficulties did you want to go out for lunch" she asked. "Yeah let me take a quick shower and I'll meet you at your trailer" I answer back lifting my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face. When I put my shirt down I see Lizzie look away quickly, I just smirk as I make my way to the showers. "So I'll meet you in 20 minutes" I call out, "Ye-yeah 20 minutes my trailer" she rushed out as she turned towards the door.

About half an hour later I am out front of Lizzie's trailer knocking with no answer. I decide to just let myself in and wait knowing fair well she is still in the shower and I don't want to wait in the Georgia heat. I lay down on the sofa facing the bedroom messing around on my phone. The next thing I know the door opens and out walks Lizzie completely naked "Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N when the hell did you get in here" Lizzie yelled still naked in front of me. I snap out of my stare fest and look down "about 10 minutes ago, Liz you might want to cover up" I say and she looks down squeaks a bit before covering herself with a robe. "It isn't like we haven't seen each other naked before" she said and my face flashes a crimson red. She is not wrong but I know me seeing her naked means something different then to her.

A few minutes later she emerged from the room drying her damp hair with the towel before throwing it up in a messy bun. "Ok ready to go" she asked collecting her things as I stand up slipping on my shoes and putting my phone in my back pocket. We make our way to the car and I hold the door for her as she gets in. Once she is settled I make my way to the driver side and start off the lot. "So where would you like to eat Miss Olsen" I say in my best British accent that I have lost over the years. There is laughter that comes from the redhead next to me and it fills my heart with joy. "We could go to our favorite burger place I have been craving a juicy burger" she said. "Say no more miss, we shall get you that burger" I say light speeding up making her giggle again. She turns on the radio and we jam to music as we make our way to our favorite burger place. The trip there is fast and as I park the car, and hop out to open the door for her.

We walk into the establishment Mix'd Up and I ask for a secluded booth so that we can have some privacy. "Thank you for that" Lizzie said. "No problem need to make sure my girl is good" I say with a smirk. I see a faint blush fall onto her face and it makes me smile more. Our server comes over and gives us our water when she looks up to see who we are her eyes go wide. "Oh my god you- you are" she begins to stammer. "Shhhh, it's a pleasure to meet you but please let's keep my presence on the down low" Lizzie asked.  Our server who we learned her name was Jessica agreed she took our order with us knowing exactly what we wanted before we got into the building. Some time later Jessica brings us our food and true Elizabeth fashion she snaps a few pictures of our food and one of me smiling over my mound of food. I chose The Pile and Elizabeth chose the Cajun Burger this time.

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