Ch. 14: It All Comes Crashing Down

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AN: I hope y'all are ready for this one I'm sorry I'm advance.

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Lizzie's POV:

I have been home for a few days and still nothing from Y/N, I hate that where we left things and all I want to do is apologize. I am seated at my kitchen island when I hear keys being put into my front door and I smile look at the door. I start to run to the front door when it open and Robbie comes into view. "Oh, Robbie when did you get back to L.A." I say. "Last night, I wanted to wait to come over since it was so late" he said walking over and kissing my forehead. "How long are you going to be in town for" I asked because we really haven't talked much since we had that argument about the photo's and Y/N once again. "Til the end of the holiday season then we have to fly to New York to meet with some investors" he said. "What about you, are you guys done with filming" he asked. "No we are on break for the holidays and then I go back to do a few more scenes then we should be done the beginning of the year" I say. He moves to put his stuff upstairs and when he comes back downstairs he grabs a beer from the fridge and goes to sit in the living room.

I huff and follow him there "Hey can we talk" I state as I sit next to him. He open his beer and take a drink "Sure, but if this is about the photos don't I overreact and I'm sorry. I'll even apologize to Y/N when I see her" he says and just hearing that makes me smile. Maybe he is trying to make an effort to get along "Oh, ok but I think we should have another sit down sometime and talk about what we want to do with the holidays coming up. Especially since the anniversary of Y/N's parents death is coming up I need to make sure we have a good holiday" I say. Robbie shakes his head and sips on his beer again "I totally agree, we need to bury the hatchet and start new. This time around it's all about family" he says and I smile at his words. "So we have a few weeks before Thanksgiving when should we have this talk" I asked. "Well how about we have a little welcome home party first then we can talk after that way we have a little fun before the seriousness of a talk happens" he suggested. "A party really" I questioned not really wanting to have a party. "Yeah just something small maybe invite some of the band mates, and some of your friends" He said. "As long as we keep it small, you know I don't like huge crowds" I agree.

We ended up talking for a bit more and doing some planning, since it was going to be a small party I only invited a few people that were in town. We decided to just do some small finger foods and keep it pretty casual, just a way to see everyone before the holidays. "I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be back in a bit" He said kissing my head and heading upstairs to take a shower. I look over to the coffee table and see his beer bottle and pick it up and put it in the recycling. I text my sisters to see what we are doing for the holidays this year and they informed me that they would be out of the country that mom would be the only one that would be able to come. Dad was going to be with his other family so I guess it will just be Y/N, mom and I this year and maybe Robbie if he didn't have any other plans. I put my phone down and move to make me a small lunch and just finish when my phone vibrates again.

Jellybean: Yeah I think you are right we should talk

I look at my phone and my heart drops, it's only a text but I can tell there is hurt in her words. I hurt her and I feel absolutely gutted.

Me: Do you want to meet tomorrow at the gym, that way you can kick my ass while we talk.

Jellybean: No, we can just meet at our spot after my run.

Me: Oh ok, same spot we always go

Jellybean: The only one

Me: See you in the morning

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