Ch. 15: Could It Get Any Worse

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AN: I am sorry for this chapter, I just want to say once again this is purely a work of fiction and I truly love every single one of these people and this is purely for the sake of the book. With that said this chapter is very heavy and deals with a lot of heavy topics so please read at your own risk. Love you my friends.

Let me know who is here:


Y/N's POV:

I wake up to another day that I am dreading, it's been two days since the party and I am here lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I pull my phone to my face still nothing from Lizzie, nothing she hasn't even looked at my apology text I sent yesterday for the way I acted. I really have nothing to be sorry for Robbie deserved everything that I did but I still felt the need to apologize for doing in front of everyone.

My body still hurts pretty good today especially my right hip. Thankfully that is all that happen I know it could have been a lot worse and the scolding I got from Scarlett these past few days about being reckless was enough for me. Once again I am brought back to my current situation just laying here in my bed staring at the ceiling not wanting to do anything. I groan and roll out of bed and make my way to my bathroom to shower. I stand in the shower letting the water just stream down my back and replay the last couple of days in my head. The time I spent with Jaime, the way I felt like all my troubles were something I could deal with later. Then the party happened, the truth of who Jaime really was, how Robbie had been the mastermind behind this the whole time. Then finally the fight and how Elizabeth looked at me, like she didn't even know me.

I shake my head and get out of the shower and put some clothes on. I really need to get out of the house today. If I stay in here and keep thinking about everything I am going to go insane. I throw on some joggers and a simple T-Shirt and some vans. I grab my car keys since the bike is well we won't talk about that it breaks my heart my bike is toast. I grab my Dodgers hat and make my way to my car, it's nothing too special but it was the first car I ever bought myself. I just decide to drive with no particular destination in mind. Before I knew it I was at the beach I get out and walked out towards the ocean. I sat down and put my toes in the sand just feeling the warmth of the sand. It was early morning so not very many people were out. Just the die hard residents that liked to get in a early morning swim or surf or run before the beach were crowded with tourists.

I sat there for awhile just feeling the sand between my toes, the sound of the waves and I just felt at peace. Like everything in my life wasn't shit right now, for this one moment in what felt like a sea of chaos, I was peaceful. That peace didn't last long because I was interrupted by my phone's alarm going off. 'That's weird I don't remember setting an alarm' I think to myself as I bring my phone out of my pocket and look at the screen. My actions stop when I look at the screen, my heart feels like it is skipping beats. How could I have forgotten, with everything going on in the last few days this was the last thing on my mind. I kept staring at my phone just blaring the alarm with the constant reminder that I forgot.


I finally silence the alarm and stand up, I make it to my car before the tears start to come. How could I forget, I am a terrible daughter, how could I be so selfish that I forgot that this was the anniversary of my parents death. I sit there for a few minutes before I can compose myself just enough. I pull out my phone and text the one person that I just want to be with, hopefully she will to.

Me: Hey, I know you are still probably mad but I need you today.

I push send, minutes go by and still no response not even a read reply. I sigh and pull my phone out and call the next person I can think of. A few rings go by before they answer.

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