Ch. 26: Trust The Process

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AN: Sorry this wasn't out yesterday fell asleep and didn't get to finish writing it. I know Lizzie's parent's divorced when she was young but for the sake of the story it didn't happen until she graduated high school. Also since I am not including Covid with this book I've changed the filming dates a bit. Enough said happy reading y'all.

Who is excited for Love & Death, I know I am.


Y/N's POV:

When I woke up that next morning I went to check on Remy, but I was met with an empty room. She had taken off before I got up, thankfully she has her bag and in it was my number so if she needs me she can call. To say I am beyond disappointed that she chose to run instead of take my offer to help. I still went through with gaining information on becoming a foster parent and Bruce said he is willing to help me out. So here I am looking over all the information that he sent over. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders which make me slightly jump.

"I'm sorry" I hear Lizzie say as she quickly removes her arms from me. I quickly turn around to see a scared look on her face "No, it's ok I - it's me. You just took me by surprise" I say grabbing her hands and bringing her in close to me. I hate that I reacted that way to her touch. I hate that my mind still gets plagued with images from that day, I still can't remember all of it but bits and pieces came back. I remember every hit, I remember seeing Lizzie's eyes looking down at me. I feel a hand touch my cheek which pulls me out of my spiraling thoughts. I look up to see her emerald green eyes looking at me softly.

I reach up and take her hand moving it to my lips and kissing her palm softly. "I'm ok, I promise" I whisper resting her hand on my chest. We have only just decided to try this out and it's so new yet I have never felt so safe as I do with her. I know we still have a ways to go to bring back all that was damaged but just being here with her is helping. She looks at me for a few seconds probably trying to gage if I was telling the truth. "Ok, but you can tell me if your not ok" she said sweetly. I nod my head and she moves around the island to get some coffee.

She moves around my kitchen effortlessly, she spends most her time here and I'm loving it. I know she misses her garden, maybe we will talk about that later right now I will just relish in all this time we are together. "Y/N" I hear her call out, "Hum, what did you say" I ask not realizing she was speaking. "I asked what is that you are reading" she asked sipping on her coffee. "Oh it's nothing" I say quickly shutting my laptop. She moves around to stand next to me, she places her coffee down and wraps her arms around my shoulders. She plays with the baby hairs on my neck before leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips.

I melt into the kiss, I don't think I'll ever get used to the feel of her soft lips. "Petition for legal guardianship" she whispers when she pulls away. I open my eyes and peer over my shoulder to see she has sneakily opened my laptop. "That was a dirty trick Olsen" I say turning sideways to get a better view of the laptop. "Sorry, but is this about Remy" she asked moving so she is stood in front of me. "Yeah, I just want to help her. She is to young to be on her own" I say trying to see what she is thinking. "I understand, but do you think it is a good idea to take on this kind of responsibility when you are still recovering" she asked with concern laced in that question.

I feel slightly offended that she thinks I can't handle something like this. I am more than capable of helping someone who needs help, especially a kid. I see panic in her face as she looks down at me "I didn't mean it like that, I just - I just want to make sure you don't get too overwhelmed" she rushes out. I take a deep breath trying to calm down, I know she is right I still get angry fairly easily but I need to help her. "I promise if I get overwhelmed I'll ask for help, but I believe I was meant to help her. I just think back to when my parents died and your parents stepped in. I want to be that for her, that's if she will let me" I say.

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