Ch. 7: First Date Jitters

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AN: Hey everyone I'm not dead, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. The last month and a half have been bonkers. I am now back to my regular work schedule and should be able to post a bit more consistently.

Anywho, I just want to say that in no way does my fictional depiction of anyone in this book reflects their true character. I purely portray them to make it work for my story. With that said let's get on with this chapter.

Role call, let's see who is all still here:

Y/N's POV:

It had been a couple of days since Jaime got here and we did a few things around town and today we were going to go on our official first date. It was also the last day that I had off before I had to go back onto set. I am currently pacing around Scarlett's room "Y/N calm down you look fine" she said. "Are you sure, it's not to casual. God why do people go on dates this is so nerve racking. What if she doesn't like where we are going, what if she doesn't want to be with me after this" I start to spiral out. Next thing I know Scarlett is standing in front of me with her hands on my shoulders. "Hey stop that she is going to love it and you look great any girl would be lucky to have you take them on a date. Hell if I wasn't straight I would have already jumped on that bandwagon" She said with a laugh and just the thought of that made my cheeks heat up.

I take a few deep breaths and look one more time in the mirror before Scarlett ushers me out of her room and into the living room to wait for Jaime. It isn't much longer before she comes into the living room with a very cute summer dress with sunflowers on it and some cute little sandals on. "Hi, wow you look beautiful" I say as I stand up and make my way to her. "Um thanks you don't look to bad yourself" she teased back. We stand there for a bit just taking in what we are both wearing and once again my mind goes to if I am dressed well enough. I look down at my black skinny jeans and simple band t-shirt with my leather jacket and my red vans. "So where are you taking me on this date of ours" Jaime says breaking this awkward silence we found ourselves in. "Oh I thought I would surprise you" I answered back. "Ok, miss secretive shall we get going" she adds in. "Yeah, we are going to take Scarlett's car since you are in a dress and I don't think the bike that I rented is a good option" I say. "Hell no, we are taking the bike" she said excitedly. Damn I think this is the first girl that I have been with that likes the bike, most of the girls in the pasted hated it or didn't want to try it at all. I laugh and we make our way outside.

I help her with her helmet and onto the bike, tucking in her dress to make sure it did not fly up and exposed her at all. I hop on and put my helmet on before leaning back "you good to go" I say. "Yeah, lets go" she answered back and I start the bike, it's not quite like mine but this one will do. When the engine revs her arms shoot around my waist and squeezes tightly. I smile under my helmet and start to head towards our destination. The journey there is not long and I can hear slight giggles coming from her every now and then especially when I speed up. I catch her in the mirror every so often with her eyes closed just taking in the Georgia sun. When we finally pull up to the parking garage I help her off and take her helmet off. We both quickly run our fingers through our hair to make sure we look presentable.

We start walking and our hands slightly brush up against one another and I look over to see a slight smile and blush form on her face. 'Man up Y/N just do it' I eternally say to myself, before I can think about it too much I reach over and take her hand in mine. I don't look at her due to much fear, when I feel her hand tighten around my own I start to relax. "Um is this ok" I finally squeak out. "If you didn't do it I was going to do it" she answered back and we both laughed. We make our way into this big plaza area looking around she finally catches where we are heading and her eyes light up. "Are we going to the aquarium" she said turning to look at me with excitement in her eyes. "Yeah, is that ok I didn't know if it was too childish" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "No I love it, this one has been on my bucket list for a while now. It is the only one here to have whale sharks" she said squeezing my hand and slightly jumping up and down. I just smile at how happy she is and all my worries for this day have gone out the door.

Love in Trainingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें