NEWS! + Another Self Promo

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Hello all!

So this is a little update on where things are with this book. Before I get into it I want to say an honest as hell thank you. Like seriously. I started this book because I read like one 8th member book and was like damn that's cool I wanna do that. And it was mostly personal entertainment, as all my writing is. Then all of a sudden people were reading it and voting. Now I get notifs of votes every single day. And yes ya'll, I see all of them. I see all the comments, and I reply to as many as I can. If you guys have gone out of your way to support my book, I just want you to know how much it's appreciated. Hence why chapter 'Jang-Mi Loves You' was made.

The thing is, I write very differently than when I started this book years ago. I've also learned editing, how to make things look nice. I've used these skills on new books.

So my message to you is; I will be finishing this book where it is.


I am considering redoing it! I will leave this version for all those who love it and for if new people want to read, but I feel my style no longer matches what I had going here. So I think I may remake Princess, likely on a different account- this account has mostly switched to anime.

Here's where I want your input; should I simply close the book, or would you like to see it remade in the style and standard I have now?

If people wish it and I decided to, I'll do a final update with the account and information once the remake has been started.

And as the title suggests, I am self-promoting again because I can :) But like I said, this account is mostly anime now, and if you see I've already got 3-4 books started. If you're simply a KPop stan- I'm not forcing you into anime, trust me. You'll all be interested in the new account.

If you do, please feel free to look as I'm going to be writing more! I've gotten my motivation back, and to keep it I feel this is the best course of action.

It'll probably be a little while before the new book is up and running if that's what I choose to do, but I'll keep y'all updated.

I appreciate you~

I appreciate you~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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