• Solo Interview •

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Hair (Colour and Style):

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Hair (Colour and Style):

JJ was having an interview without the rest of the boys today, seeing as it was about her mixtape

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JJ was having an interview without the rest of the boys today, seeing as it was about her mixtape. That didn't mean they weren't supporting her from the wings of the stage. No, they were right there waiting for her.

She wore her outfit from Elixir, seeing as it was one of her favourites. She was simply going to answer some questions and such, it wasn't a huge interview.

The host, a female by the name of Ye-jin, sat down in her seat and waited for the cameras to turn on.

"Hello~ so today, I have a special guest- extra special to any ARMY out there! Please welcome, Kim Jang-Mi, or JJ!"

JJ grinned and made her way out, feeling Jin nudge her back playfully. She bowed to Ye-jin and sat on the seat next to her.

"Thank you for having me!"

"Anytime, anytime. Now, JJ, I wanted to ask how you feel about your mixtape release."

"Ah, I'm extremely pleased with it. A lot of people have downloaded or bough BERSERK, and it's made me very proud."

Ye-jin nodded. "Yes, it's seemed to have done very well. How long did it take you?"

Jang-Mi tapped her chin in thought. "A while, I suppose, as I've also had BTS to work for. My time was spread equally until a month before the release."

"Did you expect the positive response from the fans? I know I did."

JJ smiled gratefully. "Thank you, but in all honesty, I wasn't too sure. I had all the hope they would like it, and that my work would pay off."

"It most certainly did." Ye-jin grinned, Jang-Mi joining her. "But actually, I have a surprise for you."

JJ looked at her in confusion. "A surprise? Really?"

Ye-jin nodded, a giddy look on her face. "I know that you've mentioned that there's a certain someone you've always wanted to meet."

Jang-Mi was still confused; there were lots of people she'd absolutely love to meet, she was still a fan of a plethora of music groups. She listened carefully.

"You've said that he's an extremely big part of why you chose to become an artist, or more, a rapper." She smirked widely, obviously pleased with herself.

JJ knew that a lot of people inspired her, but there was one person she could think of that truly influenced her career. However, she wouldn't let herself believe it.

"I don't recall... who would that be?"

Ye-jin smiled, pointing her hand to the wings. JJ stood in shock as soon as the person in questioned walked out.

That's T.O.P.

Choi Seung-hyun, or T.O.P. was smiling directly at Jang-Mi, who was covering her mouth in surprise. He was her inspiration completely.

"Jang-Mi, it's a pleasure to meet you

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"Jang-Mi, it's a pleasure to meet you." T.O.P. grinned at her, and he reached out to her.

She bowed to him respectfully, still not sure what was happening. "The pleasure is all mine."

He opened his arms unexpectedly and she happily gave him a hug. They both sat down with Ye-jin, who'd stood up to watch the interaction. She smiled when she saw the shine in Jang-Mi's eyes.

"JJ, you seem very happy right now, yes?"

Jang-Mi nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I didn't know you meant Seung-hyun-oppa!"

T.O.P. laughed, patting JJ's hand. "Of course, I was extremely excited when I was asked to meet you. I've been impressed by your work for a while, it was too good an opportunity to pass."

Jang-Mi gapped at him. "You were excited to meet me?!"

He nodded, grinning.

"Wah, this is the best day." Jang-Mi sighed. The other two laughed.

"So, JJ, do you mind giving as a performance from your mixtape?" Ye-jin asked. T.O.P. nodded along to her request.

Jang-Mi smiled, going over to the provided stage. She decided to perform Elixir, as it was the shortest and she was wearing the clothing.

Once she was done, she got plenty of praise from the host and the other guest. T.O.P. gave her another hug before the show was over, and Jang-Mi ran to her group.

"Oppa!" She laughed as she crashed into Jin first. The others laughed with her, asking for her to give full detail in the car.

She was very pleased about her first solo interview.

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