• If She Was... Pregnant •

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*New little thing of 'If she was...' which are pretty much imagined scenarios that could or couldn't relate to the main idea of them being an idol group*

' which are pretty much imagined scenarios that could or couldn't relate to the main idea of them being an idol group*

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Two Weeks:
Jang-Mi stared down at the little stick in her hand, the pink plus sign blinding her with its meaning. Slowly, a smile split her face and she let out a small sob of happiness.

Sure, she was pretty young, only twenty-four, but she felt like she was ready. She was so very happy, and so very ready.

Because she was pregnant.

Now all she had to do was tell the now-baby daddy, and her boys. That was going to be difficult either way.

She grabbed her phone from the side, wondering who to call first. Finally, she dialled a number.


"Hey, Jin-Oppa? Could you gather everyone? I have news."

Later, all of them were gathered in their favourite childhood park, and Jang-Mi was stood gathering her courage. Arms wrapped around her as she had her back to the group, and she heard the deep voice of her boyfriend as he held her.

"What's wrong baby?"

Jang-Mi turned to face him, gently running her hand across his cheek, causing his dimples to appear.

"I'm fine Namjoon. I have something important, and I wanted to tell you all at once."

She walked with him to the others, pulling out the wrapped up box and handing it to him. He blinked at her, then opened it with all the other boys crowded around him. As soon as it was open and they could see the contents, they were stunned into silence.

Surprisingly, Yoongi was the one to break it, shrieking a yelling. He ran over to her, gently lifting her into his arms and holding her tight against him.

"She's fucking pregnant! Fuck yes!"

Jin didn't even comment on his language, and instead took Jang-Mi into his arms. He pet her hair as he shed a few tears, letting her brush them away.

"We're gonna have a baby!" Taehyung yelled, before he and Jimin crushed her in a double-trouble hug.

Jang-Mi didn't even correct him; she knew her baby was going to be the baby of this friend group.

Hoseok ripped Jang-Mi away from the youngers, kissing her cheeks in happiness.

"I'm so happy!" He grinned as Jungkook took over.

The tall boy curved over her, completely engulfing her in a hug. He was shrieking or shaking her around, he was simply holding her. She'd been like his twin for so long, and this meant so much to him.

Once she was released from Jungkook, there was one person left. When she looked to him, she saw he'd been so silent as he'd been crying a river of tears.

"Namjoon..." she whispered to him, taking his face in her hands. He placed his own on her hips, but one came up to rest on her flat stomach.

"I'm going to be a father?" He seemed to be seeking reassurance that this wasn't a hoax, it was happening.

When Jang-Mi nodded and Namjoon gripped her in his arms, the other six let out hoots and hollars, not caring who heard them.

Five Months:
A while along her pregnancy, Jang-Mi was getting more and more pain. She was surprisingly neutral in moods, and managed to keep her cravings, but pain was pretty intense for her.

The boys would give her gentle massages, mostly Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Jin cooked depending on the random cravings she may get. Jungkook escorted her places so she didn't have to worried about being stranded, and both Tae and Jimin happily became her errand boys.

They all adored the bump of her tummy almost as much as they adored her. Both Namjoon and Jang-Mi decided to wait until the birth to find out he gender, wanting a beautiful surprise. They'd love their baby no matter what.

Both soon to be parents were sat on the sofa, both of Namjoon's arms around her and one hand making circles on the bump. He smiled at her relaxed expression, before deciding to speak his mind.

"Would you want to get married?"

She blinked, looking up. "We've never really mentioned it."

"I know, I guess I never got the guts to ask. I also always wondered if you actually wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, or if you wanted-!"

She gripped his face. "Namjoon, I love you. I carry our child, and I love them too. If you want to get married, I want it too."

He stared at her for a moment, smiling gently.

"I was blessed when I found you."

Nine Months:
"Hyung, have you seen Jangie?" Jungkook asked, looking over to Jin. Said man shook his head, flipping through his book.

All the other boys were staying in Namjoon and Jang-Mi's house as the baby was due any day. They wanted to be there to help.

"She visited Eun for a little while." Yoongi stepped into the living room, pulling up his sleep-pants. "She'll be back soon."

Right on cue, Jin's phone went off. He lifted it to his ear, letting out a casual; "Hello?"

Suddenly he was all panic, the book on the floor. "We're coming!"

He hung up, racing to the door, turning only to explain briefly.

"Get some clothes on, Yoongi; she's in labour."

The boys waited outside the hospital room, excluding Namjoon. The male had rushed in, pale in the face, and immediately took to his lovers side. It'd been a while, and things had recently quieted.

Namjoon opened the door, and all six others stood. He was worn and tired, but the brightest of smiles made it to his lips; he was about to introduce his non-blood brothers to his child.

"Guys, you'll all want to meet our daughter." He gestured inside, and they crowded quietly in awe.

Jang-Mi was the most exhausted they'd ever seen her, but she also bore the loving smile like Namjoon as she stared at the tiny baby in her arms. She looked up when her family entered, motioning them closer ever-so-slightly.

"Meet Kim Minji, the newest edition to our family."

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