House of Cameras

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Layla's POV

"Trudy, we're really sorry," Fabian said as we all stood in the hallway to say our goodbyes.

"We didn't mean to get you into trouble. Honestly we didn't," my sister said, sending me a guilty look. I sent her a weak smile. I hated being right.

"I know. It's my own fault for believing your silly stories," Trudy said, he voice cracking.

"We're going to miss you," Mara told her.

"I'm going to miss you too. All of you," she replied.

"Your taxi's here," Victor told her.

"How can you do this? Trudy hasn't done anything wrong," Amber defended Trudy.

"Goodbye, Trudy," was all he said.


"I'm not eating this," Mick said in disgust as we sat at the breakfast table the next morning and Victor served us something that looked disgustingly inedible.

"Trudy always gave us toast. With our choice of jam," Mara said.

"Forget Trudy. And if you don't like my cooking, you can always do it yourself," Victor said.

"How about we going get our breakfast in the vending machines in the school, guys," Amber suggested. We all agreed and quickly stood up.

We walked into the hallway and spotted technicians installing security cameras.

"No way. They are installing security cameras," Amber said.

"They can't do that. It's a total invasion on our privacy!" Fabian exclaimed.

"And the camera adds 20 pounds," Amber added.

"The school is always striving to improve your personal security. This is our latest measure to help you feel safe and secure," Victor explained though it was clear it was just an excuse to keep an eye on us.

"Well look at you, Lays," Jerome joked as I munched on a bag of chips. I stuck my tongue out at him but continued to eat.


"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to Sporting Challenge!" Jerome said later that day at lunch. I giggled madly at the fake mustache he was wearing. Apparently Mara had bet Mick that she knew more about sports than him.

"He's going to lose, big time," Patricia whispered to me as she explained about Mara's parents. I was just happy that things were finally good between her and my sister.

"I would like to introduce my beautiful assistant Fifi," Jerome said as Alfie walked on stage wearing a blonde wig, a dress, and a pair of Amber's shoes. I chuckled. This was ridiculous but with everything mystery related and with Trudy leaving, I could do with a good laugh. "And our two lovely contestants, Mick and Mara. The first questions please, Fifi. Thanks. Over which three distances is the sprint run? - Mara."

"100, 200 and 400 meters," Mara answered.

"Correct," Jerome told her, clearly surprised. Well I couldn't say I knew much about sports but I guess I was going to learn all about them today.

"I knew that one. Lucky guess," Mick exclaimed, glaring at Mara. For her sake, I was angry with Mick. I hated when boys assumed girls weren't smart, especially considered Mara's well known high grades.

I laughed as Mick got increasingly frustrated with the fact that Mara was answering every question correctly, and these were clearly not normal sport facts.

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