House of Rivals

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Layla's POV

"Morning," Gran said as our alarm went off. I lifted my pillow off my head and groaned. I love Gran, but it's impossible to sleep next to her!

"Morning, we just had the weirdest dream," Nina commented. Though I was pretty sure it hadn't been a dream.

"Me too. I was a personal shopper for Lady Gaga and she tipped me in salami. What was yours?" Amber asked as Gran chuckled.

"I can't remember," Nina told her as we shared a look.


"Did anybody hear that terrible noise in the night? Sounded like a woolly mammoth with heartburn," Trudy exclaimed at breakfast. I choked on my eggs as Jerome patted me on the back.

"It's Gran," Nina whispered to Trudy as I coughed, thanking Jerome as he handed me a glass of orange juice.

"You want to head over together?" Joy suddenly asked as she walked over to Fabian. I raised my brows at him.

"Mm...I mean, no," he said as he glanced at me than Joy. "Maybe?"

"Decisive as ever," Patricia commented as she leaned over him.

"I'll just get my bag, Fabes," Joy said happily before leaving the room. I glared at Fabian.

"What?" Fabian said looking completely lost.

"Hey, so I'll get my bag, and we'll walk across together, okay?" My sister said to him before also leaving the room.

"Well, Layla, I hope you'll be giving me the honor of allowing me to escort you to school then?" Jerome said as he laughed at Fabian. I nodded and raced upstairs to get my bag. I knew he was just trying to sound impressive because Gran was around but I still found it sweet.

"Layla!" Nina gasped as she picked up her bag to find the Cup of Ankh under the bed. We stared at each other. I knew it wasn't a dream!

"It wasn't a dream!" Nina whispered to Fabian as Jerome held out his arm to me. I wrapped mine around his and giggled. I could see my sister and Fabian having a quiet conversation but decided not to pry since I figured it was about the cup and the mention of tears of gold.

"Are you ready, Fabes?" We suddenly heard Joy shout down before she walked over to us. Uh oh.

"Let's all walk over together, shall we?" Fabian stammered.

"Perfect," my sister mumbled under her breath.

"Was there any mention from Victor's doll about a mask of Anubis?" Fabian asked as we sat down, Jerome having gone over to join Alfie. I didn't mind. Just because we were dating I didn't suddenly assume he should spend all of his time with me and ignore Alfie or something. I couldn't help but think of my necklace as Fabian asked his question. It was shaped like some sort of couldn't be a coincidence! I mean my other necklace was the symbol of the Ankh...

"No, but just this tears of gold again. Do you think the two are linked?" Nina asked.

"Before we begin biology, I have an important announcement! We have been asked to present an official bid to host a prestigious exhibition," Mr. Sweet informed us as he and Victor walked to the front of the room.

"Yes, the touring treasures of Egypt. It is absolutely imperative that we win!" Victor exclaimed.

"So I need volunteers to help us prepare the bid. Mara, Fabian, excellent. Ideally, I'd like three from each class, So one...Joy, perfect. And there's my three," Mr. Sweet said.

"We make a good team, don't we, Fabes. Must be all that stuff we have in common," Joy commented as she smirked. I glared at her. She was clearly interested in Fabian.

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