House of Genius

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Layla's POV

"Nina! - Nina!" I called out.

"Layla! Fabian!" We heard her cry out.

"Nina, what is it?" I shouted.

"I think there's something in here!"

"Well, what's the plan? We need a plan! Tell me you have a plan!" Alfie exclaimed.

"Help! You have to get me out!" I heard my sister shout kicking my instincts into drive.

"It's got to be the big spider that holds the door open!" I exclaimed as I held my hands out for Fabian to hand it to me as I was closer.

"Okay, I'm nearly there!" I called out to my sister as I pushed the arms into the little holes.

We looked around as suddenly all the strings disappeared and the door opened back up and Nina was able to dash forward.

"Hey, your okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I told her as she hugged me tightly.

"Ditto," she said.

"Ew, creepy," Amber commented as we slowly walked into the room and up to the Medusa head looking like disk thing.

"Way creepier when you can only see its eyes And you think it's alive. Trust me," Nina said.

"You seriously need to man up, Nina," Alfie said.

"Alfie, behind you!" I faked causing him to scream and shout.

"Now who needs to man up?" I laughed as he glared at me.

"Chemicals. No labels," Fabian observed as we looked around the room and Nina picked up one of them.

"This smells familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it. Does it smell like Christmas?" I heard her asking.

"I wasn't scared, you know," Alfie told Amber.

"Uh, sure, whatever, Alfie," she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Fabian? - Hmm? Okay, this freaky lion head thing?" Patricia asked.

"Sekhmet, the goddess of medicine," Fabian told her.

"Look. There's openings in these, and there's this channel, and it leads to the door with some kind of goo on it! Must hold it in place," I guessed.

"So we've got a big bunch of chemicals, six snakey tubes that go down to this mixing jar that leads straight on to a door with a weird goo around it," Fabian repeated.

"So, maybe we put all the chemicals into the tubes, and, abracadabra, they magically open the door?" Nina suggested.

"Could be, but I guess it has to be the right six chemicals," Fabian pointed out.

"Okay, then. Everybody grab a chemical, and then let's get," Alfie started to say.

"It's a bit late for science experiments, Alfie. Come on. Let's go," Fabian said.

"Fabian!" Nina called out as her and I brushed away some cobwebs from the wall.

"The taste of the great bitter Lake." It's a riddle." I read aloud.

"Here's another one, "balm of the nomad," Nina read out. "Oil of the egyptian wedding flower. They're on every corner. "Sweet scent of mourning essence." Okay, let's stay here and solve them," my sister exclaimed.

"Uh, Nina, it's late," Fabian pointed out. She sighed but followed us out.


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