The Resting Area

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The two suns shines above the Knolling Hills.

The orange van parked somewhere near the grassy hillside.

They are halfway to the Loch Lake.

Barley sleeps on the back of Guinevere II. He was on the van floor.

Ian slumbered on the back of the van passenger bench seat. He was laying on his stomach.

After a few moments of snoreville, there are three bangs on Guinevere II.

Ian rolled himself over to the other side.

Then, there are four bangs on the orange van.

Barley was sleeping like a dead squirrel.

And ultimately, there are five hard bangs on Guinevere II.

The blue skinny elf got up jumpy. Ian rolls off of the passenger bench seat. "Ahh!" The wizard shrieked.

Ian landed on his elder brother. Barley woke up with a fright. He gets up instantly. "WAH! Gelatinous Cube!" Barley screamed.

Ian perturbed. He touched his head. "Uhh, Barley..." Ian grumbled.

Barley perceives his youngest brother on his van floor. He was happy. "Oh, morning Ian..." Barley said.

Ian steadied himself to stand up on his knees. He was annoyed yet smiling. "Heh, morning Barley..." Ian said.

Barley surveys to the green bean bag chair. He was a bit tired at first. Barley thought the redhead woman was there, cuddling in her slumber.

The green bean bag chair was empty.

Barley was alarmed. He gasps. "Merida's gone! She ran out of my van!" Barley exclaimed. The blue burly elf hurries to the back of Guinevere II.

Ian was bewildered. "What?!" He exclaims in his inquiry. The blue skinny elf followed his elder brother.

The orange van rocks back and forth hectically.

Then, Barley and Ian opens swiftly at the back of Guinevere II double doors. Barley was on his left side. Ian was on his right side.

They are astonished.

Merida was delighted yet awkward. "Oh, good morning Barley, Ian..." she added. Merida pointed them out the bonfire behind herself. "I hope ye boys are hungry for breakfast..." she mentions.

Barley facepalms himself. He was grumpy. "Oh Chantar's Talon...Merida's still here..." Barley muttered. He groaned.

Ian was perplexed. "How long have you been up in the morning?" He wondered.

She was shrugging her shoulders. "Oh, just when the two suns rises from the horizon." Merida added, showing one of her arrows. "I was practicing my archery before I found something that we can eat together." She replied.

Ian was still perplexed. "You mean you've been up around dawn?" He asked.

Merida nodded her head. "Aye, Ian!" She answered in exclamation.

Barley was serious. He was so afraid about her. "All right, Merida..." Barley added, getting off of his orange van. "Let's not forget that we're on a quest for the Teleportation Gem..." he reminded.

She was smirking. "Aw aye, the quest for the gem..." Merida said in her understanding. She was confident.

Barley crisscrossed his arms. "Well, since ye left without telling us where ye were in the morning, let's just eat and talk about it..." he declared.

Merida liked Barley's decision. "Good." She added. Merida heads to the bonfire. "Have some breakfast first with me at the fire while it's hot." She suggested.

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