Playing With Fire!

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Playing With Fire!

A few months later, the sun had barely started to rise as Lei floated amongst the clouds on her Firebolt. She had spent the early morning hours flying on her broom. She had woken up from another nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep so she thought flying would clear her head. Flying always felt freeing to Leilani. Nothing but her broom and herself, joined occasionally by a Golden Snitch. If she could, Lei would never come down.

Before the residents of the small town could start to rise, Leilani flew her Firebolt back to her home to get ready for the day. She walks into the kitchen to see Winky has prepared breakfast for the household. Lei shook her head while smiling at Hermione's breakfast consisting of a small serving of scrambled eggs, a lot of bacon, sausages, and a couple slices of toast. A small pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice for the table, alongside some tea and a pot of coffee for Fenrir and Lei. Fenrir and Lei both were served a large stack of pancakes with several different syrups to choose from.

Leilani was grateful for the house elves. The two of them have helped so much and ask for so little. With the help of the house elves, normal housework was easy and they all pitched in for the Sanctuary. Pip could be found tending to the dragons with Fenrir most mornings. Feedings for the creatures took time. Hermione was thankful for the gift of the Sanctuary from Luna and her husband since it is mostly self-sustaining when it comes to the food supply for most of the creatures. The dragons and Buckbeak were a bit more difficult to feed since they are carnivores, but they managed.

Lei was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and a pregnant Hermione sat down, "Good morning, Lei. What do you have planned for the day?" "Morning. I think I'm going to walk around town for a bit. After that, I have no idea. We'll see how it goes." "I think I'll go with you. We can't keep ourselves cooped up all the time," Hermione says, rubbing her noticeable baby bump.

Both women got ready to walk around town for a bit, leaving Fenrir in his workshop down in the basement. He had started crafting wands, and it felt good to work with his hands again. Wandmaking is such a delicate craft that takes time and patience. Especially since the wands had to be crafted without the use of magic. His workshop was a space for him to go to relax while accomplishing something he loved to do as a hobby during his bounty hunter days.

Hermione and Lei had visited the smaller shops in the town center. Hermione had bought a few cute outfits for the twins while Leilani got a few tops for herself. They spent most of the morning browsing most of the shops before deciding to have lunch at the Grill. Entering the Grill, Leilani and Hermione sat at a table near the bar. Of course, neither paid attention to the patrons or they would have seen Damon nursing a bourbon for his lunch. He had recently returned from a road trip with Elena to Georgia. The trip was a bust and nearly got him set on fire by the grieving boyfriend of his brother's best friend that he killed. Not one of his finer moments, but it's not like he cares.

When Damon saw the two enter the bar it was like a light bulb went off. He could just ask them to open the tomb. If not, he could just threaten to kill them. Damon smirked as he slammed the rest of his drink and sauntered over to their table, "Afternoon, ladies." Lei rolled her eyes at the cocky vampire while Hermione plastered a fake smile, "Afternoon, Damon. How are you?" Hermione was trying to be polite but not really caring for the arrogant man. She felt he reminded her too much of the Malfoys'.

"Could be better," Damon took a seat at their table. Both women just looked at him in annoyance. "Why is that?" Lei asked. She wanted to get whatever he wanted to say out of the way so he'd leave them alone. They have learned the only time Damon speaks to them is when he wants something. "Well, I have a bit of a situation that you ladies may be able to help me with," Still has that smirk on his face. Leilani sighs, "Like what?"

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