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Bill opened the front door to let in Elijah, Klaus, and a very weary Maddox. The Warlock was told about the events during dinner the night before and agreed to meet with the witches and wizards to go over the spells for the ritual. "Afternoon, gentlemen. Please, come in," Bill opened the door wider. He watched the visitors step over the threshold without issue and relaxed. Bill closed the door and moved to the front of the guests, "We'll be adjourning to the library." He escorted them to a hall of doors and went to open the middle one.

Once opening the door, Bill couldn't help but snort at the shocked faces. The position and spacing of the doors in the hallway suggested an average sized room, not a multi-storied library with floor-to-ceiling shelves stuffed to the brim with books, tomes, and scripts. In the center were some comfy armchairs, a long table surrounded by matching chairs, and a pedestal holding a massive open book that acted as a catalog. Off to one side was a massive fireplace to warm the readers while they sat in the comfy chairs with a good book.

Elijah had to step back into the hallway. Looking back and forth at the space between the doors and the hallway itself perplexed. Stepping back into the library, Bill gave a brief explanation, "Wizard's space. It's an expansion spell." Bill moved to the catalog and summoned the books he went through with similar binding spells from when he examined the Moonstone. Klaus, Elijah, and Maddox watched as several texts floated from bookshelves to the table in the center of the room. "These are the books I went through after examining the Moonstone," Bill said and then clarified. "Which I have locked away." Klaus was going to flip out and then possibly flip the table if the Moonstone was damaged or lost.

Maddox tries to cut the tension by setting down the Grimoire he brought with the original binding ritual, "This Grimoire was used for the binding ritual. I have read it so many times, I practically have it memorized." He opened it to the pages needed and passed it over to Bill. "Huh?" Bill looked it over, "I've seen something similar in..." He put the Grimoire down and picked up one of the tomes from Gringotts, "This one." Turning to the page with a very similar binding ritual and handing it to Maddox. Of course, these books and tomes from Gringotts were translated to English decades ago. Bill is one of the few who took the time to learn Gobbledygook, so he could read either version but knew Maddox wouldn't understand the Goblin's language.

"It was fairly common for our kind to bind someone's magic. Mostly done to those who were being exiled out of the magical world to live as a muggle or no-maj for the rest of their lives," Bill elaborated. Maddox grew pale hearing that; he wouldn't know how to live without his magic. Klaus read the text over Maddox's shoulder, "The ritual I'm doing involves sacrifices, this one does not." Bill nodded his head, "I know. Which brings me to our next point. I'm going to get Lei and Hermione."

Bill left the library to find the others. Klaus, Elijah, and Maddox took a seat and began leafing through some of the books on the table. The Originals couldn't help but think about Kol and how much he would devour everything in the library. Bill re-enters the library with Hermione, followed by a paint splattered Leilani. "I really need to bar him from my studio until I'm finished with Moony," Lei had gotten frustrated with Sirius again. He kept trying to disrupt her; the last time he spoke so loudly Lei was startled and spilled some paint. Klaus watched Lei clean some paint off with hands with a Turpentine-soaked rag that she vanished back to her studio when she was done.

"Hullo, gents," Lei took one of the empty seats next to Klaus. Hermione sat next to her, "Bill informed us of what's going on, and we would like to see the Original Binding ritual." "That's impossible. This occurred over a thousand years ago," Elijah sets down the book he was skimming. Lei nodded her head, "Normally, yes. But we have a way to see the memory. If we could view it in its entirety, we can see details that may have been missed." Klaus gripped the arms of his chair ready to stand and leave, "I will not let anyone into my head." Lei brought her hands up in surrender, "I understand that. We understand that. We wouldn't have to go into your head. We can just retrieve that particular memory for viewing."

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