Avo the Changeling

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Female Reader x Male Monster
(First appearance of the Children of the Night Carnival)

It appeared one night, seeming to just rise as the sunset. The high peaks and arches of the big top filled the horizon, and the lights of the ferris wheel made it look as if the sun had set it all on fire. Come morning, everyone was abuzz talking about the mysterious carnival that had appeared.

Flyers had been posted in the dead of night, and people were collecting them like they were treasure. You were lucky enough to snatch one before they were all gone. It was printed on black paper with vivid red ink, it was actually quite beautiful. It was advertised Mr. Faire's Children of the Night Carnival. It advertised live shows, games, and everything you would want to ever see.

"Sounds grotesque," you heard one woman say while you were working. "Perverted."

"Hmm," her husband grunted in response.

"Were they even allowed to set up there?" the woman continues while she fumes over her decaf coffee. "Seems like such a bad idea. Gross."

"Hmm," her husband nods, and you realize you're probably the only person listening to this woman. Although, you have a feeling that there are quite a few people who agree with her idea that this carnival is a bad thing.

You would like to go and see what this place is like. The flyers are beautiful, and the sight of the big top and ferris wheel on the horizon was a striking sight. You lived in quite a lonely and boring town. Not much ever happened here, so you didn't want to miss your chance to see the first exciting thing to happen here in ages.

That evening there is going to be a special introductory performance, like a dress rehearsal that anyone can come attend. The tickets are cheap, so you gather your change jar and cash it in. You'll see the show and maybe get some special treat while you're there.

"You're seriously going?" Your roommate asks. You knew she wouldn't be up for it, she's superstitious, and her anxiety gets pretty bad. "By yourself?"

"Yeah," you answer with a smile. "It'll be fun. You sure you don't want to?"

She casts a shifty glance to the window where you can see the silhouette of the ferris wheel against the glare of the sunset. "It's so weird though," she murmurs. You can tell she's struggling between curiosity and anxiety.

"What's so weird?" You chuckle. "Carnivals happen all the time? Worst thing that can happen there is you get tricked by a carnival game."

She hugs a pillow close to her chest. "My mom told me stories-" she then hesitates. "No. I really shouldn't say."

You sit down beside her. "No, go on," you say. "Tell me."

She looks up at you with wide eyes then chuckles softly. "She told me that, once, when she was little, there was a carnival that came into town. Kind of like this. No warning, setting up at night. She told me she loved it. The people were beautiful but strange, and they were all like a family."

She then sighs. "My mom didn't come from a good home, so seeing this really stuck with her. Well, she met the ringmaster, I can't remember his name, and he asked her why she had bruises. And well, mom told him the truth. She said that, after the carnival was gone, she woke up one night to see this creature outside the house. She said it was all white and had six arms. It told her to go to bed."

She shivers and squeezes tighter onto the pillow. "The next day, her dad was found dead. They said he was drunk and got hit by a car, but...mom said there were these strange diamond marks on his body. They couldn't figure out how they got there. Diamond marks like the ringmaster had on his palms." She drifts off for a moment, then gasps as she comes to her senses.

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