The Mothman

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Female Reader x Male Monster

You have a neighbor, at least that's what your landlord told you. You've never seen this supposed man before, but your landlord said he always paid on time and never made a peep so you shouldn't have any issues.

The only thing is that you've never seen anybody before, and yes, there is no noise coming from the apartment you share a wall with. But there is no noise coming from the apartment! It's unsettling to you that someone could be so utterly quiet. You find yourself listening against the wall, even the flutter of a moth's wing would be enough for you, but you hear nothing.

You begin to worry, if the man is in there you wonder if he's alive. Maybe he's hurt? You consider knocking on his door from time to time, but you always chicken out. You wouldn't have anything to say to him when he opened the door and proved you wrong. You would feel stupid and fumbled with your words.

You would need a real reason to speak to him, maybe something like a party? You would at least have to warn him there could be noise and if he answered you could invite him to come over. You pass by his door every day and thought always grows, the need to knock and see for yourself that someone was there.

One day you come home late from work, vowing to yourself it's the last graveyard shift you will ever take. You drag your tired body home and you fumble with your keys as you reach your building. As you reach for the doors you hear a sound like a sheet on the clothesline. Something whooshing and fluttering overhead, a shadow passed over the street lamp and wind pushed against your face as you looked up.

You locked eyes with it, whatever was. Was it even eyes? You're not sure, you just saw red and you felt a strange foreboding.

"What are you doing out here?" The voice is dark and gravely.

Your eyes somehow widen more and your hand slips from the doorknob. You blink a few times as you try to find your voice.

It's red eyes flash. "You shouldn't be out here like this," he growls again. It points at you, it's arms dark black, fingers long. "Get inside now."

"Wait," you gasp.

Their eyes narrow upon you and your breath freezes in your chest. It takes you a moment but you nod and turn around. You go inside and stand in the entrance of your building as you try and decipher what had just happened. You're not even sure what you saw. Something big and foreboding. They're body shrouded and dark.

As your hands tremble to open your mailbox someone walks in behind you. He's dressed as if the weather outside is formidable. A long coat with a hoodie underneath, the hood pulled up and hiding his face.

He holds the elevator for you and you stand there trying not to stare but wanting to.

"Thank you," you say to him and he just shrugs.

He presses your floor number without asking and you glanced up at him. He's wearing gloves, at least it looks like he is, they're black velvet and so form fitting you wonder how gloves can be made so fine. You look up his arm and try to make out his face but he turns slightly, adjusting his earbuds.

You smell something sweet in the air, you can't quite place what it is but you find yourself wanting to locate the source and burying your nose in it. Your head grows fuzzy and you feel your body grow warm. Then the elevator stops.

He steps out of the elevator first and unlocks your neighbor's door.

"Oh!" You cry out as he opens the door, your mind still a bit fuzzy, and you clap you hand over your mouth.

He flinches and turns the key in the lock.

"Wait," you gasp and he flinches again. "Sorry I was wondering," you hesitate for a moment and swallow your courage. "Did you see anything out there?"

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