Chapter 13: Baghra's Plea

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Boy, was that a close one.

Why was that so hard? I mean, she is going to find out eventually. If I hesitated now, would I again when the time came?

There was just so much to keep with. Alina knew I was her daughter but didn't know I was also the Darkling's. She also knows I'm a sun summoner like her. On the other hand, the Darkling knew I was a shadow summoner and didn't have confirmation that I was his daughter. Genya and Baghra both knew I summoned both. And oddly enough, Baghra was the only one that knew everything.

Who would have guessed?

I know I've been through all this before, but it was becoming more overwhelming. All the lies. I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up.

It wouldn't be long now till Mother was found. We were leaving in two days. She said she was departing for the fold tomorrow, which meant that the sun summoner would be found tomorrow. No more worries.

I could do this. Just one more day.


What the heck?

"Pssst. Leksi."

"Baghra? What..."

"Sssshhh! Keep your voice down, child!"

Child. Here we go again.

"What are you..." I tried again.

"Listen, is it true you're leaving for the second army tomorrow?"

I nodded.


"When the sun summoner comes back to the Little Palace, bring her to me."


"You and I both know the sun summoner is not safe here. He must not gain that kind of power."


"I can't."

There was no anger in her features, just sheer confusion and curiosity. Not what I expected at all.

"And why is that?"

"Because of the timeline..."

"You know what happens," she realised.

"I do... mostly."

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