Chapter 22: Everything I Do, I Do For You

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Dinner was at six, but I decided to pop over a little earlier. I had to admit I was looking forward to this a little too much. How was I suddenly so okay with the Darkling? I realised that unconsciously I had wanted this for so long. Was I that naive? I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach.

Stupid child.

Baghra's words echoed in my head.

Be careful, I warned myself.

He is still the Darkling.

"Leksi," he greeted me with the warmest smile. I almost forgot what I was thinking. I could almost forget who he had become.

"Darkling," I replied, still reeling from my previous thoughts.

The smile vanished.

"Where's Mother?" I asked. 

His voice took on a harsher tone.

"She's training with Baghra, so she'll be a few minutes."

An awkward silence passed between us.

"So it was just a one-time thing, then," he surmised.

"Sorry, I... what?" I asked, not entirely focused.

The disappointment on his face was crippling.

That was when my mistake registered.

"I understand," he murmured.

He looked so... dejected.

"No! Dark... Father, sorry, I... just,"

I approached him, not sure what to do now. I did want this. I just... I wasn't used to this dynamic. Perhaps I should tell him...Communication is key. Right?

I moved closer, my movements less hesitant now. I took Father's hands and wrapped them around me. I was tucked under his embrace. It seemed like the daughterly thing to do. I sat in his lap and rested my head on his chest... just like in the memory. It was soothing. Safety. His arms automatically held me tighter.

"Father, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just not used to calling you... I never did at home. We never were..."

"Father and Daughter," he finished for me.

"Right, but I do want us..."

"Why?" he interrupted.

"Why, what?"

"Why aren't we a family in the future?"

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