Chapter 17: A Family Reunion... Almost

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"You have a lot of explaining to do, young lady."

Well, it was time to come clean. So why couldn't I say anything? Why weren't the words coming out?

"Well," the Darkling prompted, "who are you?"

I suppose I could answer that. With an encouraging nod from Mother, I turned to the Darkling, providing the answers long overdue.

"I serve you as your general in the future, moi tsar," I bowed. "One of them, anyway."

"Tsar?" Mother asked her face a picture of surprise and concern.

"Not yet," he muttered, perhaps remembering what I said before. He decided to continue with this area of questioning.

"Generals," he emphasised, "Who are the others?"

"Alistair, my brother..."

"Is he a summoner too?" Mother piped in.


" A Shadow or a Sun Sum..." the Darkling interjected.

"Enough!" I boomed. "Can't I get through one sentence without your interruptions?"

Mother raised her hands in apology, beckoning me to continue. The Darkling looked like he had been struck by Baghra's cane. I almost lost my resolve.

"He's a shadow summoner like you, moi ts... soverenyi..."

I saw unease flicker across his face as I used the title. It seemed to be a recurring reaction.

"And like me," Mother began, you're a su..."

"Shadow summoner. I'm a shadow summoner too," I finished for her.

With a flick of my wrist, I called the shadows, proving my point. And adding to Mother's confusion. Unfortunately, the Darkling picked up on this.

"Is something amiss, Miss Starkov?"

"I... I just... thought Leksi..."

The General's eyes widened.

"So you do know her..."

He turned to face me, his stare threatening but not a threat.

"How is this possible, Leksi?"

"Mother and I share some kind of summoner's connection. We can't control it, but it is how we met."

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