The Satujinki

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Dust was stunned at what he is seeing, as he spoke out.

"dad, you're here to help me out, but how?! you already have given me a lot of power before this, i don't think that i can use anymore than i already have!"

Gaster smiled at Dust Sans, as he spoke out.

"That's where you're wrong. In fact, I manage to find a way to give you a bit more power. And you will like how this one goes."

He than opened one of his hands, and revealed 4 souls. One of them being Killer, one of them being a normal looking soul, one having Determination as an outer layer, and the other simply being a shard.

"what...what is this?"

Gaster smiled, as he spoke out.

"When I fused you with the power of the Void to make you stronger, and so that you can learn of my power, I also manage to make it have a similar property to the ability of absorb souls on humans, but this time, it is absorbing the souls of your alternate selves. And these 4 that you are needing to fuse with to strengthen will be Killer, Horror, Geno, and Insanity."

This made Sans confused about the last one...until he finally realized what it means, when he remembered seeing a Sans with an insane look on his face, holding a Papyrus head.

until he finally realized what it means, when he remembered seeing a Sans with an insane look on his face, holding a Papyrus head

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"wait, you don't mean the one that is holding the head of my brother, do you?"

Gaster, much to Sans chagrin, nodded his head, as Dust spoke out.

"why are you making me fuse with that most crazed, insane version of me?! do you have any idea what he has done?!"

Gaster nodded, as he spoke out.

"I do, but he is necessary in fighting against Stitch-Lite, especially with how powerful he is. His hand to hand attacks, as well as his sharper bone attacks are able to make use of you, along with Horror, with Killer and Geno also being important, due group having much more magical power than a normal Sans."

Dust looks down, as he spoke out.

"but...with insanity of all people, he might be able to control me, or worse!"

Gaster than spoke out.

"That's where you're wrong, Dust."

This made Dust confused, as he looked at Gaster with a look that speak out 'what do you mean?' as Gaster speaks up.

"The Insanity you fought is the one that worked with Exetior and his cronies when you both were still enemies. But the one I plucked up, is from a timeline where he has never met him yet. And when I spoke to him about wanting to have him help you fight against it, he agrees as long as he gets to feel the blood of the Highest in his hands. You won't be controlled, but you will be influenced by his personality in a way."

Dust looked a little bit doubtful, as the Save Screen began to shake, and he looks around, as Gaster spoke out.

"Our time is running short. Quickly, take these souls."

A Dusty Nightmare (A Continued Nightmare and Dusttale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now