Chapter 1

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I sat on my window sill staring out into the window; I couldn’t process what was happening to me anymore. I’d lost it all. There was nothing to fight for anymore. I got off of the seat that I was perched in and began to get ready for work. Nothing too fancy, I was only working in a nearby book store. I grabbed my jacket and made my way out of my house, locking the door behind me. I kept my eyes on the road as I walked seeing that there was nothing in this town to look at. The town was peaceful, and quiet, the people kept to them, seemed that way at least. I walked past the local bar, which was surprisingly open, given how early in the day it was. I shrugged off the thought of being in the bar, and made my way across the street to the little book store.

I opened the door and Poppy; the store owner sent me a warm smile. I walked behind the desk, and pulled out the book that I had been reading. I heard the bell ring, but I kept my head in my book. After a while I heard someone cough and I brought my head up to see a boy standing in front of me, he had dark hair messily upon his head, he had some stubble on his face. I looked at his hands and he was holding a book setting it down in front of me. “The Fault in Our Stars.” I said with a smile. “You’re going to love this book; it’s one of my favorites.” I said ringing him up.

“It’s actually not for me.” He said, and I gave him a look. “It’s for my sister,”

“Oh, well maybe you should give it a try. Never know what you might like.” I said shrugging he handed me some money, and I gave him his change. He smiled at me once before making his way out of the store. I looked around the store finding it empty, I sighed before I turned my attention back to my book.

“I’m done for the day,” I called as I made my way to the door. Poppy bid me a goodbye, and I gave her a warm smile before making my way home. It was a little darker than I expected it to be, but then again it was mid-October. The wind whipped around me and I tilted my head down. I started turning onto my street when I heard my phone start to ring. I picked it up, and heard the voice of a very unpleased boss on the other line.

“Where are you,” Tony barked into the phone.

“I had to work full time at the book store today.” I answered.

“Well, you need to get here now it’s your shift, and it started 5 minutes ago.” Tony said before hanging up. I sighed and made my way to the stingy bar I passed hours earlier. I stepped into the bar, the smell of alcohol smacking me in the face, making my face squint. I walked behind the bar, tying my hair up. I began to refill the drinks for customers who asked. I heard someone call for me and I turned to see that dark haired boy I saw earlier.

“We meet again,” He says a smirk playing upon his lips, I could tell from his sluggish posterior, the boy was already drunk . I put my hands on the bar, and raise my eye brow.

“Stalking me now?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Not exactly love,” He said and I shook my head.

“What can I get you?” I asked and he ordered a beer.

“Maya,” He said and I turned to him giving him a confused look. “You’re name tag,” I nodded and handed him his drink. He took a couple big sips, and then set the empty cup down. “I’ll be seeing you around. It’s Zayn by the way.” He said with a wink. I knew that he was going to have a hard time getting home, but then when he walked over to someone, the little worry I had vanished and I focused back to the drinks I was serving.

“Last Call,” I yelled grabbing my bag. I walked over to Tony, and told him I was leaving before swiftly making an exit. I began to walk away from the bar, my feet aching, and my body crying out for sleep. I made my way to my house, and I saw something in my lawn. But as I got closer, I saw that it wasn’t something, it was someone. That boy from the book store, he was lying in my yard. I bent down, and I could tell that he had been in a fight. I shook him gently and he groaned. He sat up and looked around.

“What,” He questioned.

“Come on,” I said holding my hand out. He took it struggling to get up. He stood up wrapping his arms around me for support.

“Where are we going,” He asked and I stepped onto my porch.

“Inside, you need to rest.” I said turning my head away from him. He kept talking but I tuned him out pushing him onto the couch. I grabbed him a blanket and pillow, but when I came back he was fast asleep. I wasn’t sure what he was doing in my lawn, but I intended to find out.

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