Chapter 26

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To say that that this Sunday was the same as other Sundays would be a lie. For starters this Sunday just so happened to be the first Sunday of the month of March. Which only meant one thing, "Spring Cleaning." Even though it isn't officially spring, Poppy only calls it spring cleaning because we get our new shipment of books and we clean out our makeshift bookstore, getting rid of old tarnished books, adding new material into the store. The books that Poppy doesn't want anymore get sent to the back, and ultimately my house. So, needless to say, "spring cleaning" was my favorite activity.

But of course today came with a downfall. That downfall being that I was extremely tired. Zayn and I didn't get to bed until five considering he stumbled into my house so late the night before. Which only gave me a few hours to sleep until my alarm went off at eight in the morning, so I would be at work at nine. I was almost tempted to wake Zayn up and make him drive me. But then I looked at the cut on his lip and the scowl he slept with I knew he was in pain- whether he admitted it or not- so I simply walked to the store. Thankfully for me it wasn't snowing.

I hoisted the box of books onto the counter, sorting through the brand new books. None of which had a worn in spine, or damage of any sort. A smile was placed on my lips as I inspected the brand new books.

"Don't spend all day reading them, you have to actually put them away." Poppy tells me and I nod.

"Oh, no, of course." I say grabbing the box once again and walking over to the bookshelves. I took the old books, any that were falling apart, water damaged, or simply weren't too popular off of the shelf, then added the books from the box onto the shelf.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. I removed and added books from the shelves, while being scolded by Poppy- multiple times I might add- for reading any of the books I came across. With that being said, today proved to be a bit longer than my usual days at the bookstore, and left me more tired than I was to begin with.

By the time work was done, I was barely able to keep my head up, and Zayn was- thankfully- already sitting outside and waiting for me. I slid into the car, shutting the door behind me. "Hey," I yawned before leaning over and kissing him. "How was work?" He asked me and I shrugged leaning my head back on the seat, my eyes closed.

I sighed as we began to drive, taking my bag off of my shoulder and turning to the backseat to set it back there. My eyes narrowed at the sight of a box, that was left unopened and held all of my stuff. "What is that?" I asked looking at him.

"Oh, I thought I should bring your stuff back." He said looking between me and the road. "Your closet is looking a bit bare."

"This is all of my stuff, why all of it?" I say holding my things in my hands. Unintentional tears start to well in my eyes, and I try hard to choke them down.

"I just, wanted you to have them back, that way you don't have to get them from my flat." He tries to explain.

"Are you breaking up with me?" My voice wavers as I try my best not to cry. Why would he want to break up with me? I tried to think of the things that I've done wrong as he remains silent.

"No, no it's not like that. I just don't want something to happen to you, and my flat my not be the best place right now. Not while things are still bad. I'm trying to keep you safe." We're at my house now, but neither of us have gotten out. And I'm crying, though I'm trying not to look like I am, I'm crying and it's making it worse.

"You thought bringing all of my stuff back, and making me think that we're going to break up, was going to keep me safe?" My voice is shaky, and cracking in different places. Zayn knows I'm crying, and I hate the fact that I am.

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