Chapter 14

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"Good morning," I yawned looking up at Zayn. He smiled down at me before turning and yawning himself. "How long have you been awake?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just a few minutes before you did," His voice still holding that sleep educed raspi-ness. I stretched a little bit before moving a little bit away from him. I giggled when his arms wrapped tighter around my waist and pulled me back to his chest. "Don't move it's cold." He spoke burying his face into my neck.

"Well if you ever turned the damn heat up," I teasingly complained.

"You should probably go make some tea," Zayn murmured and I shook my head.

"You go make it,"

"But you make it so much better," Zayn coaxed and I groaned before getting out of bed. I cringed when my feet touched the wood floor, making a speedy route for the carpeted hall. My eyes scanned through the cabinets, getting the kettle and adding hot water.

I set the kettle on the heated stove top when I heard knocking at the door. I opened the door to see the same curly headed boy that I had seen almost a week ago. "Uh, it's Harry right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Is Zayn here by chance?" He asked and I nodded before yelling for Zayn. Moments later Zayn was padding down the hall, he walked over to the door Zayn grabbed the door handle and I made my way back into the kitchen catering to the screeching kettle on the stove.

I pour the drink into three mugs considering that Harry was now seated with Zayn on the sofa. Taking the drinks out to the boys Zayn smiled at me before pulling me down beside him. "How do you feel about going out tonight," Zayn asked me and I shrugged.

"I'd have to go home and get some clothes." I  muttered taking a sip of my drink. Over the various times I had stayed at Zayn's house my clothes seemed to have made their way into their own spot in Zayn's dresser. But I only had lazy clothes, things that wouldn't seem fit for a night going out. I got up making my way to the shower, I grabbed some clothes as well as a towel and set it on the sink before getting into the shower.

"I'll be back soon," I said to Zayn and he gave me a kiss.

"I'll just come get you, we're headed out that way anyways." Zayn said and I nodded.

"Do you need fare for the tube," Zayn asked and I shook my head.

"No, I have money." I said but he handed me money anyways. I decided not to argue as he gave me a slight push to the door. I giggled shaking my head making my way to the tube station.


Fixing my dress I ran down the stairs to find Zayn making himself at home, sprawled out on my couch. When I got to the bottom Zayn looked up at me.

"You look really good in that dress," Zayn commented when we were on our way. I smiled saying a quick thank you as he snaked his arm around my waist.

The walk didn't seem to last long, but I still found myself quickly getting to the door of the bar. Letting out a sigh when I stepped into the warm building, I saw some people that I didn't recognize looking in my direction, but followed Zayn and sitting myself close to him.

Zayn floated around between getting up and getting drinks, or talking to his other friends. I was still settled where I had originally sat with Zayn, but now his place was occupied by a tall blonde girl who- even sitting- seemed to tower over me. "How long have you known Zayn," She asked me.

"About five months," I said and she nodded. We found ourselves talking about our work lives and I was surprised how easy it had taken me to grow comfortable with her. I felt Zayn's eyes on me, and I glanced over at him. He sent me a quick wink and I could tell my cheeks began to heat up so I quickly looked away. I was happy that Zayn didn't feel the need to glue me to his side, or I do the same for that matter. I was happy that I found myself fitting in with his group of friends without the help from Zayn.

A few drinks later, the girl who I had learned the name to me Cassie, excused herself. Looking around I saw that Zayn had gone off also leaving me alone. I sipped at my drink when I felt someone sit down next to me. I turned my head to see the guy who Zayn and I had ran into days ago.

"Maya right," He asked me and I nodded. His eyes trailed my body and I desperately wanted to leave. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened a while back." He continued and I nodded.

"Uh, yeah it's okay." I stammered holding onto my drink. It was then that I felt his hand touching my leg.

"Normally Zayn doesn't keep a girl around this long," He said rubbing my thigh. My breathing picked up and my throat tightened. I had to get out of here. "You must be a pretty good fuck if Zayn's willing to keep you," His voice was in my ear and I nearly choked.

"P-Please st-stop," I stuttered tears pricking at my eyes.

"Maybe we can have a little fun sometime yeah?" He whispered into my ear. I barely heard him with the way my heart was beating, the pounding in my ears. I felt myself shaking as I gripped onto my cup with both hands. It didn't take long before the liquid in the glass had gotten on my knees along with shards of glass. It was then that Zayn's voice filled my ears.

"What the hell did you do to her?" He spat and I got to my feet walking over to Zayn.

"Don't Zayn, please." I whispered feeling the tears running down my cheeks. He looked at me before wiping my cheeks. Wrapping his arms around my waist we walked out of the bar. Feeling all too sober, I walked as fast as I was able to.

"Maya," Zayn called stumbling to keep up with me. "Maya stop," Zayn said grabbing my waist pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso letting out a sob. My head was buried in the crook of his neck while he rubbed my back "Maya breathe it's okay, nobody is going to hurt you." He whispered holding me while I calmed myself down.


I hopped onto my bed next to Zayn. He let out a sigh when my fingers traced over the tattoos scattered across his arms. His eyes were on mine, and I leaned up softly kissing him. The kiss started slow and tender but grew more heated when I rolled on top of him, straddling his waist.

I pulled back the both of us breathing a little heavier, and I bit my bottom lip. "I wanna do something," I murmured and Zayn nodded. "I-I wanna make you feel good." I whispered almost afraid of what he was going to say. I felt him stirring underneath of me and I leaned down to him, "Do you want me to make you feel good?" I asked blinking a few times curious to where this new found bravery came from. All it took was a slight nod from him, and I was settling myself on the floor between his legs.

Slowly my fingers took the button of his jeans popping them open and sliding down the zip. He lifted his hips allowing me to pull his jeans down, I grabbed the waist band of his boxers, tugging them down also. Taking his length in my hand, I lay my tongue flat against my bottom lip. Trailing my tongue up the underside before taking him in my mouth whole. Zayn let out a moan as I bobbed my head up and down. His fingers were tangled in my hair, he guided me straight into his orgasm.

He was breathing heavy as he pulled his pants back up. I laid back on the bed beside him. "That wasn't too bad," I asked and Zayn leaned over kissing me.

"Amazing," Zayn breathed before crashing his lips on mine once more.

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