Chapter 18

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"Good morning," I chirped walking to the bookstore. Poppy looked over at me with a smile. I held a paper bag between my fingers, holding it out for her. "Stopped by the bakery today, grabbed you one of those muffins you like."

"Thank you," Poppy said taking them from me. She opened the paper bag taking the sweets out of it and taking a bite. I took my place in my usual seat. I wasn't really sure what today was going to be like, the bookstore was small and not really as well known as the other book stores in the city. But I liked coming here, it was small and secluded, plus Poppy always treated me like her own which was a plus.

"Do you want to shelf these books," she asked and I looked over at the cart of books nodding. I pushed the cart, placing them on the shelf in the correct section they belonged in. My fingers brushed over the spine of each of the books that I put away, a well as others sitting next to it. I wasn't sure what it was, but something about a book made me happy. It might have been because I spent so much time alone that a book had slowly became my only friend. Or maybe it was because every book took me to a different place, made me a different person who lived a different life. No matter what struggle the character felt, they always got through it somehow. And now, I felt like I was getting through mine, because of Zayn.


"I'm calling it a day," Poppy yawned and I looked over at the clock. It was almost three, and I grabbed my bag.

"Do you want me to lock up," I asked and she shook her head.

"Alright, well I'll see you Tuesday," I asked and she nodded. I walked out of the store making my way to my house. I squinted my eyes noticing a car on my street before letting out a heavy sigh. Mackenzie was here. I opened the door to my house, to see her sitting there, a mug in hand but she seemed to be focused on the wall across from her.

"Hey," I said and she jumped slightly looking over at me.

"Maya," She murmured and I raised my eyebrow. "Dad's back."

"W-What," I asked my throat feeling dry. Mackenzie set the cup down on the coffee table, rubbing her hands on her jeans.

"H-he came to my flat last night, piss drunk and, and I just shut the door on him." Mackenzie explained and my eyes blinked rapidly. "I-I'm so sorry, I know what he did to you was unspeakable. And I know that I wasn't there for you then, and I should've been. I'm sorry for that."

"I-I have to go," I sputtered getting up and walking out of the house. Mackenzie's flat was two miles from my house. That was too close for comfort. He was here, in town, town wasn't safe, I wasn't safe. I walked down the road, and I heard Mackenzie call after me. My feet carried me faster when I heard her voice, I didn't want her to see me, to look at me while I broke down. I didn't know where to go, but I knew there was only one place that made me feel safe. Zayn's.


I walked to Zayn's door, turning the knob and pushing it open. The tube ride here was unsettling, I jumped with every noise, turned my head every second. Just like I had when I first came to this place, the person I tried so hard not to become was slowly making appearances, and I didn't like it. 

It was when I shut the door and turned around I saw Zayn sitting on the couch, with another girl. The tears that I had managed to choke down, began to form in my eyes once again. I stood there, looking between the two of them, waiting for one of them to speak. "Maya, I, what happened," Zayn asked me and I shook my head.

"I-I should go, I-I think that I'm interrupting something." I choked out hoarsely and Zayn immediately shook his head.

"No, Maya it's nothing like that." He tried to explain and the girl sitting next to him got to her feet getting her things.

"Maybe I should let you guys talk, it was good seeing you Zayn. Maybe we could catch up again." She said and Zayn nodded before she walked out of the flat.

"Maya she,"

"I'm getting my things," I blurted walking to his room. He got up walking after me, and I found myself running to his room. I stumbled getting to my drawer pulling my things out of it.

"Come on Maya don't do that, I, just let me explain it." He said and I shook my head, the tears in my eyes fell down my cheeks, as I struggled to catch a breath trying not to let out a sob.

 "I-I don't want to hear it," I managed to spit out, my hands were shaking as Zayn grabbed my arm, turning me to look at him.


"I trusted you," I whispered, "I trusted you and you, you used me."

"Maya, please it isn't like that," Zayn argued, and I couldn't hold in the sob that left my mouth.

"I should've known that this would've happened, I-I shouldn't have let you in, and I did. And now I'm paying the price. That's what happens, it always happens." I sobbed and Zayn pulled me into his chest and my hands went to stop him, but he just held me tighter. My hands were at his chest, hitting him repeatedly as I choked on sobs. He whispered nothing but sweet things into my ear, and I cried into his chest.

"She's my friend, nothing more, Maya I swear." He whispered and I nodded. I sniffled and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"My dad's back," I whispered, slowly looking up at Zayn. He held me close to him, wiping the tears from my cheeks. He kissed my forehead and I sniffled. "I-I'm scared Zayn," I admitted quietly, and Zayn nodded.

"I know you are, but I'm going to keep you safe." Zayn whispered and I bit my lip nodding. I wasn't sure what it was but, something about his promise made me believe him.


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