Chapter 6

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I sat on my bed, aimlessly scrolling through my tumblr dashboard. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I sighed rolling over and pulling my phone from my pocket. I slid my phone unlocked, and smiled when I saw that the text was from Zayn.

Let me take you out tonight.

I bit my bottom lip mentally checking to see if I had to work at the bar tonight. I quickly typed Zayn a reply after realizing that I was free. I then set my phone down on my bed, and went back to my blog. I sat up and made my way to the bathroom when my phone went off again. I ran my fingers through my hair, and walked back into my room, setting the phone by my ear. “Hello,”

“Maya,” I heard my social workers voice ring through the phone.

“Y-Yeah that’s me,” I said shakily.

“Maya, I wanted to call and tell you that your dad is being released.” She spoke and my heart dropped.

“What,” I breathed trying to catch my breath. She confirmed this information before hanging up. I slid down my wall bringing my knees to my chest. I buried my face in my knees and cried. I kept crying, feeling everything I had left inside of me, every motivation to keep moving drain from my tear ducts.

I wasn’t sure how long I stayed in that position crying, but I only stopped when I heard someone knocking at my door. I was halfway into convincing myself that I should just sit on my steps and let whoever was on the side of that door. Finally I sighed making my way to the door. I opened it and saw Zayn standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He looked me up and down and raised an eye brow. “Zayn,” I said running my fingers through my hair.

“Maya, you look,” Zayn stopped and I put my hands on my mouth.

“Oh god, we had a date.” I said my eyes widening. I felt more tears wanting to fall from my eyes. “Zayn, I am so sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. We just uh, we can hang out here.” Zayn said handing me my flowers. I took them and led him inside shutting the door. “You look beautiful,”

“No, I don’t. But it was cute of you to say that, it made me happy for a second.” I said nodding. We stood here for a minute. “Oh gosh, I should put theses in water.” I said walking to the kitchen.

“They’re a little cliché, the whole flower thing.” Zayn said and I shook my head.

“No, no they’re nice. Flowers are nice,” I replied setting the flowers into a vase and putting them onto the counter. “Do you want to see my room,” I asked and Zayn raised his eye brows. “Oh my gosh, I’m not going to have sex with you.”

“I know, I was kidding.” Zayn said and I led him to my bedroom. He looked around seeing the collages that I had along my walls, some of them were still in the process of being completed. “This is, um, wow.”

I scratched the back of my neck and looked at my walls. “Yeah, I’m not done with them. I still have some to finish.”

“What happened,” Zayn asked abruptly, and I looked at him confused. “Come on Maya, I know that you were crying.”

“My dad’s getting out of jail,” I said sitting on the floor. Zayn opened his mouth to speak but then he closed it and sat down beside me.

“Maya I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to go through with any of this, no one deserves that.” Zayn said and I nodded looking down.

“He couldn’t possibly know where I live; I mean none of my family does.” I said and Zayn gave me a look. “I was never close with my family, my mom left and we never kept in contact with her side of the family. Then after she left it was just my sister my father and I. But she left for college when I turned 13, she promised to keep in touch, but once she got out of the hell hold it was hard for her to want to look back to that. Hell, I don’t blame her. Once you’re out of hell why would you want to go back? But then when all of that stuff went down between my dad and I, I ended up telling my teacher who then told the police. My father went to trial and none of my family stepped up to take me in. So I went to foster care, and ended up just running away 16 months later.” I said to him.

“Maya, you’re so strong. A hell of a lot stronger than I gave you credit for when we first met.” Zayn said and I played with my fingers.

“What about you?” I asked him.

“What about me?” Zayn replied and I shrugged.

“Tell me your past.” I stated and Zayn took a deep breath.

“I grew up in a rich family, but my family didn’t accept me growing up. So I eventually got kicked out by my family, causing me to move in on the shitty side of London. Where the people steal, use, are homeless, or all of the above. People expected me to act like everyone else there, and I didn’t want to, but eventually after you’ve been falsely judged so many times you begin to do the shit people already assume you do.” Zayn said and I nodded.

“Which is why you thought I thought you wanted to steal my mother’s jewelry box,” I commented. We sat there in silence and I looked around my room. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Zayn said and I took a deep breath blinking a few times.

“Have you ever been in love, I mean really in love with someone?” I asked and Zayn shook his head.

“Not really, I thought I was in love once.” Zayn spoke and I nodded allowing him to go on. “When I was in high school there was this girl and we had been friends for a while. I had fancied her for a while and I wanted her,”

“On a physically sense?” I asked and Zayn shook his head.

“No, I wanted to just spend time with her and hold her hand and all of that cheesy romantic shit.” Zayn said. “But there was this one girl, that I wanted to have sex with, mainly because she was that girl everyone wanted to have sex with.”

“Did you end up having sex with her?” I asked and Zayn nodded.

“Yeah, it wasn’t what every said it would be.” Zayn shrugged and I lay back on the floor.

“Sex is so overrated. I mean people just give themselves to anyone that relationships nowadays are mainly based on the physical attraction between two people. I just want to have a relationship where I meet someone, and fall for them. Call me old fashioned, but that’s what I want. To find someone in like a coffee shop and you just fall for them, head over heels and all that bullshit.” I rambled on and Zayn took my hand.

“What about finding someone sleeping in your lawn and you find them after your late night shift at the bar, and you carry them inside, probably knowing it’s against your better judgment.” Zayn mumbled and I looked up at him biting my bottom lip.

“That could work too,” I whispered before wrapping my arms around Zayn’s neck, pulling his body that was hovering over me, down to mine, and placing my lips onto his. After a few minutes Zayn pulled away, and he lay on his side next to me on the carpeted floor. I turned on my side so that I was facing him, and I rested my head on my arm.

“I’ve done it,” I mumbled not looking up at Zayn.

“Done it, like actually done it?” Zayn asked and I nodded.

“It was an awful experience. It was a little after I had ran away, I had just turned 15 and I did it. I slept with a completely random person. I just did it because I wanted to get over it. Everything that happened with my dad and I. I wanted to move on and I thought if I just shagged a random person, I wouldn’t feel bad. That I’d get over what happened.” I said.

“And what happened,” Zayn whispered.

“I cried, partially because of the pain, and partially because of what was running through my mind. I knew that I didn’t want to go through with it. I felt my stomach churning as I made my way into the hotel, but I proceeded on and I did it. Hated myself afterwards for it, but I did it.” I said looking up at Zayn.

“Maya I’m never going to make you do something you don’t want to do.” Zayn said and I nodded.

“I know,” I whispered with a yawn.

“Go to bed,” Zayn said kissing my forehead.

“Will you stay here,” I asked him and he looked around before nodding.

“Yeah, now let’s go to bed yeah?” Zayn said and I nodded before cuddling up to him and slowly drifting off to sleep.

Broken Wings (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang