Chapter 13

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“I should really get home,” I mumbled looking up at Zayn. We lay on his couch, the neither of us had done anything since the day I had walked in on him and his friend that I had learned the name to be Harry. It seemed that for the past three days Zayn had been trying to make me feel safe around him. Which to my surprise was something he didn’t need to do; sure Zayn had his outbursts and moments where he yelled. But I wasn’t afraid of him.

“Don’t leave,” He whispered, and I kissed his cheek softly getting to my feet. But Zayn sat up pulling me back down and into his lap. I giggled as he tightened his grip and lay back down. I knew that I needed to go back home and face my sister, but I decided not to bother with that right now because frankly I didn’t want to leave Zayn.

“I love your smile,” Zayn murmured and I felt heat rising in my cheeks and I looked away. Zayn’s fingers brushed my cheek and I looked back up at him. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed; you have a beautiful smile Maya.” A few minutes passed with the only noise in the room being the soft blare of the television.  I sat up a little straighter, boredom taking over my features as I let out a puff of air.

“Let’s go out,” I said getting to my feet pulling Zayn up.

“Where do you want to go?” Zayn asked and I shrugged.

“I don’t know to get coffee or something,” I trailed off shoving my feet into my vans. I slipped my jacket on and Zayn’s fingers entwined with mine before we made our way to the small coffee house that was just within walking distance.

The coffee house was nothing special, and it was quite run down if you had asked anybody around. Nobody came here, so it was secluded to Zayn and I. But the place had the type of homey feel, the carpeted floor and the warm environment was enough to put a small smile on my face. I watched as Zayn looked up to order deciding on what to drink for the both of us. The barista handed us our drinks and Zayn and I sat in the corner, though there wasn’t but a handful of people I still wanted to get out of their watchful eye. I had always been like that, shy and nervous in most social situations, but I knew that Zayn was there which made me feel better about the ordeal. I stirred my lukewarm drink while Zayn chattered on about job hunting because the tattoo shop wasn’t cutting it anymore.

I pulled my jacket close to me, leaning into Zayn as we made our way back to his flat. The talk between us was minimal as we enjoyed the silence during our walk.

“Zayn,” the sound of an abrupt voice caused Zayn and I to stop walking. I looked over at the male his 6 foot figure almost mirrored Zayn’s as they stood but a few feet apart. “So this is the girl you’ve told me so little about,” the male chuckled and I felt Zayn tense up beside me.

“Not now just stop,” Zayn muttered and I began to feel uneasy. What was this guy talking about, had Zayn really been talking about me to other people? From the edginess of his attitude I doubted it, seeing as Zayn wanted nothing more than to get out of there as fast as he could.

“You know the girl that has you whipped,” The smirk on his face made me really question what he had meant. Sure Zayn and I have been getting pretty close, but neither of us had questioned our relationship status. “How long do you plan on keeping her around mate?” He asked and I watched as Zayn’s hands balled into fists.

“Fuck you,” Zayn spat and I began to panic. I had no clue what Zayn was going to do, and I didn’t want him to do something he’d end up regretting.

“Zayn, let’s just go.” I mumbled and he looked over at me before heading off in the direction of hi flat yet again. The remainder of the walk was silent and I couldn’t help but wonder what that guy had meant. Surely I wasn’t some girl to Zayn. Some easy shag, no, I couldn’t be it had taken me three months to get to where I was with Zayn. And if asked anybody I was close with you would know that wasn’t easy.

Zayn and I entered his flat, and the uneasy feeling was still there. I watched as Zayn slipped his jacket off and I chewed on my bottom lip. “Zayn,” I internally cringed at myself for sounding so timid. He looked over at me and I sucked in a breath. “What did that guy mean by ‘how long are you keeping her around?’?” I asked and Zayn’s jaw tensed.

“You aren’t really listening to that asshole are you Maya?” Zayn asked and I looked anywhere but at him.

“I don’t, I don’t know.” I whispered and he groaned.

“Maya,” Zayn sighed and I played with a loose string at the hem of my shirt. “Okay I have a bad track record with girls I admit that. I also have had my fair share of one night stands,” I watched as Zayn grew frustrated trying to get the words out. “Dammit Maya, I don’t know what you want me to say here. Can’t you see that I’m trying? Do you not see how hard I’m trying to make this work? I don’t know what you want me to say. I can’t take back the shit that I’ve done, and I apologize for that. All I know is that I don’t like the feeling I get when I see you crying. I don’t like the feeling I get when I’m not with you. And I’ve never had that. Do you want me to tell you that, that I care about you so much that it physically hurts me? That I want nothing more than to spend all day wrapped up in your arms. Or that I love when you can’t sleep because you stay up all night talking about god knows what, but that’s okay because you always seem so smart, you’re the smartest girl I know and every word that comes out of your mouth rings through my ears like a song. Because Maya, that’s all I can tell you; I can’t tell you that we’re going to be together forever. But I can tell you that I want to be with you, and I want you to have me as yours. I want to keep thinking all of things that I said and I want you Maya, all I want is you.” Zayn said I made my way over to him wrapping my arms around his torso.

“I’m already yours Zayn,” I whispered feeling his arms wrap around me. I felt safe in his arms, and I didn’t want to leave this spot, I wanted to stay in his arms forever. “I’m already yours.” 

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