Chapter 10

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“I should go,” I whispered my head on Zayn’s chest, though I made no effort of getting up.

“Don’t go, stay here Maya.” Zayn yawned but I got up sitting on my knees.

“I have to work, and so do you. You can come over after if you’d like.” I said trying not to sound too hopeful.

“I have to do a few things,” Zayn trailed on and I looked down. “I can try and get out of them though.” Zayn said and I giggled kissing his cheek.

“Okay well call me and I’ll hopefully see you later.” I said getting your things and heading for the door. I walked to the tube station my arms wrapped tightly around my when your phone went off.

At your house where are you, we need to talk. –M

I rolled my eyes shoving my phone in my pocket; I didn’t have time for this, not for my sister. I stepped off of the tube, headed in the direction of my house. I stood at the corner of my street, there was Mackenzie’s car. Making my way to my house I opened the door, it wasn’t locked, hardly ever was there wasn’t a need to lock the doors being that I lived in a quiet neighborhood. There she was her hair longer than mine, skin slightly fairer. “What’re you doing here?” I asked my arms crossed.

“What’re you doing hanging out with that Malik kid?” Mackenzie said and I blinked a few times, my confusion read through her eyes as she started to backpedal. “I mean that’s where you were right Maya, at that Malik kid’s house.”

“His name is Zayn.” I scoffed walking past her.

“So you are hanging out with him.” She said satisfied with herself.

“What does it matter to you exactly? I mean because the last time we spoke was over eight months ago. I’m honestly surprised you know where I live.” I said and her face softened.

“I wanted to come talk to you I’ve been really busy with things.” She started, “And I wanted to know how you were feeling since you know, dad’s getting out of jail.” Her voice low and timid.

“Don’t you dare come in here and start talking about him, like you give a damn?” I spat at her.

“Of course I care, you’re my sister!” Her voice raising, I shook my head in disgust.

“Right, is that why you answered my calls when you were in college, or came to any of the hearings, or took me in when nobody else fucking would Mackenzie? Family sure meant a whole hell of a lot to you then, and it means so much now. Why don’t you just go?” I said suggesting to the door.

“Maya I’m sorry okay.” She said, her voice cracking. “But that kid, that fucking kid Maya isn’t good for you, you have no idea who he is and I’m not going to let him hurt you.”

“You don’t know the first thing about him.” I started.

“I know that he’s a drug dealer, I know that he lives on the shit end on the city, I know that he’s shagged more girls than I can count.” She trailed and you stopped her.

“I have to go, I have work you can see yourself out.” I said storming past her, I walked to the bar. It was open and I knew that I had to be there.

Opening the door I cringed at the smell of smoke, but it fogged my mind enough to calm my nerves.  I looked over at Tony and nodded. He came over to me and I grabbed my name tag from him. “What do you know about Zayn Malik?” I asked.

“He’s trouble.” He said flatly. Tony was a father figure in the form that I had never had one, he came in and took over no need to but doing it out of the kindness of his heart, it was something that we didn’t talk about because neither of us expressed our emotions in that way. Being closed off was something that we had in common, and though he had broken down my walls and helped me through my rough patches. I still needed work, he knew that, and him telling me that Zayn was trouble had to be the truth, there had to be something that I didn’t know about him.

“Come on don’t give me that whole he’s trouble spiel.” I groaned. “I mean he honestly seems harmless,”

“Maya, I’m not going to tell you what to do, you’re a woman. In the end you do what you want to do, but I just feel that you shouldn’t jump into this relationship without thinking about all of the bad.” Tony warned and I chewed on my bottom lip.

“Mackenzie came over today.” I breathed looking down at my cotton shirt.

“Why’s that?” Tony asked.

“She wanted to tell me that Zayn was trouble.” I grumbled and Tony sighed.

“Look, no one’s going to be here, just go home Maya get some sleep, talk to Zayn if that’s going to make you feel better. But don’t sit here and pry into things that aren’t going to be answered by me.” Tony said and I sighed trudging to the door. I stopped at the exit looking at Tony hopefully, but as expected he shooed me away. I walked back to my house, seeing that Mackenzie was still here. I rolled my eyes opening the door to my house.

“I thought I told you to leave,” I spat laying on the couch.

“You need to come with me.” Mackenzie spoke abruptly causing me to raise my eyebrow. “Now Maya,” I got to my feet following my sister to the car as she drove off. Her eyes were looking around and I knew that she was nervous. She sped down the street stopping at a random location. I looked around and realized that we were in Zayn’s neighborhood.

“Where are we going?”  I asked cautiously. She took hold of my arm saying nothing and dragging me to a tattoo parlor. The place that Zayn worked.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked and before she said anything the sound of glass breaking around the corner caused my skin to crawl.

“Showing you the colors of your little boyfriend.” Mackenzie said dragging me around the corner to the alley. There stood Zayn and two other men, they looked that they could tackle each other at the drop of a dime. There was money in the side pocket of Zayn’s jacket. I took a step back still able to see what was going on as I turned to my sister. She nodded to Zayn and that’s when I understood what was happening.

Zayn was dealing.

“Still think your boyfriend is all that good?” Mackenzie asked a smug look on her face

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