Chapter 19

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My hands lay flat on Zayn’s chest playfully pushing him away from me. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I asked knowing that Zayn needed to go to the tattoo shop today.

"But I want to stay here, with you." Zayn replied and I shook my head. He let out a heavy breath, and I leaned up on my elbows, watching as he made his way around the room. "Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?" Zayn asked and I nodded.

"It’s been two days, neither one of us have left this damn house. You have to go to work, I don’t want to keep you locked up here." I rambled on, before I knew it Zayn was on the bed with my face cupped in his hands.

"You’re not keeping me locked up in here, I want to be here with you." Zayn murmured leaning down and pressing his lips softly to mine.

"You’re getting soft on me." I teased watching as Zayn pulled back.

"I am not," He bit back and I nodded.

"You are babe," I said with a smirk. In a matter of seconds Zayn had my hands in his and he had me pinned beneath him.

"I can flip a few tables and show you." He whispered and I shook my head.

"Please don’t," I laughed and he got off of me.

"That’s what I thought,"

"Go to work."


A small groan escaped my lips as I rolled over on Zayn’s bed. Fucking cramps. I closed my eyes simply wanting to go back to sleep, already annoyed at how today was going.

When the door slammed shut, I was laying on my stomach with my palms on my lower abdomen. “Hey babe,” Zayn said and I groaned in response.

"Are you okay," Zayn asked and I shook my head.

"My stomach hurts," I grumbled rolling my head to face him.

"C’mere," Zayn said motioning me to move closer. Reluctantly I turned allowing him to pull me closer to him. His hands were at the hem of my shirt, pulling the material further up my body. His hands were at my stomach making light touches over the soft skin.

It was when he lightly pushed on my stomach by the waistband of his boxers that I cringed.

"Are you on your period," Zayn asked and I nodded. He held his finger up before getting off the bed and padding over to the bathroom. When he came back he held a galss of water in his right hand and, extended his left hand over to me dropping two white tablets in my hand. "Here take these,"

"What is this Tylenol?"

"Yeah, when I was younger my sister used to take them for cramps." Zayn nodded and I took a sip of the water, swallowing the pills. I set the cup down with a sigh, leaning into Zayn.

"How was work," I asked and I felt him shrug.

"It was okay," He mumbled, his hands rubbing over my abdomen. My eyes fluttered shut and I let out a content sigh.

"I have to go home soon," I stated.


"Because I have to go to work," I began to explain.

"I don’t want you to leave, I don’t like it when you’re gone."

"I’m not leaving today or anything," I said before kissing him. His lips moved with mine, and his hands moved down to my waist. My fingers fisted the fabric of his shirt as he rolled us over so I was on my back. I pulled back taking in a breath. "I think we should stop," I breathed watching Zayns lip form into a pout.

"But I don’t want to,"

"Don’t be such a baby," I bit back, Zayn leaned down, his lips connecting to my neck.

"I’m not a baby," Zayn muttered against my neck.

"Baby," I teased with a smirk.

"Say that again," Zayn said pulling back looking at me.

"Mm, baby," I moaned watching as Zayn took his lip between his teeth.

"Fuck that’s so hot," Zayn groaned. "You know I haven’t properly had you in a week.."

"Too bad you can’t take me right now," I murmured, my teeth grazing his ear. Zayn’s lips turned into a scowl.

"Oh trust me Maya, I can." I took Zayn’s ear lobe between my teeth, playfully tugging at it, listening to him let out a soft moan. I knew I had him.

I let out a shriek when Zayn’s hands were at the waistband of my shorts. I pushed him away from me, getting off of the bed. “Wait where are you going?” Zayn asked and I stood at the door way.

"Don’t worry about it," I bit back watching as he got to his feet. I took my lip between my teeth. "Something wrong,"

"Just that you left me with this," He said gesturing to his lower region.

"Maybe a cold shower," I shrugged smirking.

"Maya," Zayn groaned and I giggled walking over to him and kneeling down in front of him.

"Here, I’ll help you." I said pulling at his belt.

**PLEASE READ IT'S IMPORTANT!! So about two weeks ago my house burned down and I no longer have my own computer, I don't want to put the story on hiatus. But I won't be able to update frequently. Please understand, I really am trying to update my writings. I am honestly going through so much emotionally right now that I don't even know where I want this story to go. I hope you understand, and I hope that none of you will ever have to go through a thing like this. Vote, comment whichever you like. I hope you like the story, I would love to hear some thoughts? xx**

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