Chapter 12

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Zayn’s POV

I rolled over gripping the material of the sheets and pulling them over my body. A quiet giggle rang through my ear and I let out a content sigh keeping my eyes closed but toothless smile was forming on my lips. “Maya go back to bed,” the roughness in my voice due to my still tired state.

“It’s almost noon,” Maya said quietly. My arm went to Maya’s waist bringing her body closer to mine, she giggled again when I lay on my back causing her to lie on top of me.

“Let’s just stay in bed,” I mumbled looking up at her. Maya shook her head laying her head on my chest.

“As much as I’d like that, you have to work and I have to meet up with my sister.” Maya said softly. Slowly she got up- much to my protest- and got out of bed. I watched as she grabbed a pair of discarded joggers pulling them up her legs and made her way down the hall. I decided to get up and follow behind her.

Maya stood in the living room looking at her phone. “My sister’s going to be here soon,” She muttered her eyes looking over in my direction. I nodded pulling my hoodie on, I grabbed my phone and made my way to the door. 

“So, uh I’ll call you later?” Maya asked and I bit my bottom lip. I knew that Maya was hesitant around me, now knowing of some of the things that I did. I wasn’t really sure how Maya had found out, but even still Maya was choosing to stay. That alone was something that I didn’t quite understand.  Giving Maya a nod I made my way out the door.

I walked to the tube station making my way onto the vacant vehicle.  The ride was quicker that I had thought it to be, and I found myself walking into the direction of my flat. “Malik!” A voice called causing me to stop in my tracks and look around, I finally found myself face to face with a mop of tousled curls.

“Something I can do for you Harry?” I asked and he nodded.

“Do you have my stamp?” He asked and I hesitantly nodded before having him follow me up to my flat. He stood in my living room when I walked over and handed him a baggie. Harry handed me the money and I stuffed it in my pocket. I watched as Harry took the substance out of the bag and laid it out on the coffee table. “You wanna go,” He asked and I shook my head, Harry smirked shaking his head. “What, Malik’s afraid of a little Heroine?” He asked and I scoffed.

“I’m not afraid of doing anything Harry,” I said watching Harry line the drug on the wooden table. After he was done he leaned back looking over at me.

“Then you go first,” He said smugly, I looked down at the drug and back at Harry before getting on my knees in front of the table and snorting the substance up my nose.

Maya’s POV

I took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill my lungs before exhaling. I sat on a park bench with my sister sipping at the latte she had gotten for the both of us.

“What did you do after I left?” Mackenzie’s voice interrupted my thought process and I shrugged.

“Zayn came over,” I said my eyes fixated on a tree with three little kids climbing up it. My focus became on the little kids that were laughing and having fun with no consequences. A small smile formed on my lips as I thought about a time when that was me. Free of worry, pain, and most of all sadness.

“Did you not hear me,” I heard my sister snap and I looked over at her shaking my head. “I said did you not pay attention to what I showed you yesterday?” She asked and I sighed. Yesterday afternoon seemed so far away, but I nodded. “Then what are you doing with him Maya, he’s not good for you.” I rolled my eyes shaking my head.

“This is such bullshit,” I muttered getting to my feet. “You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do. You haven’t been here for me for years, and now that you’re back you think you can just tell me what to do?” I almost yelled at her. She blinked a few times unsure of what to say.

“I just care about you okay,” She muttered. I laughed dryly throwing my drink in the nearest trash bin.

“Care, you don’t care about me. If you did you wouldn’t have left me when mom left, you wouldn’t have ignored me when I told you what dad did to me. And you sure as hell wouldn’t have let me get shuffled from foster house to foster house.” I was yelling now, and hot tears were falling from my eyes. “For the first time in nine years my life isn’t me living in fear. I feel like something good is actually happening in my life and Zayn’s the reason for that.” I started to walk off, ignoring the looks that people were giving me, ignoring the pleas from my sister to stop. I walked to the tube station buying a ticket and getting in; I was going to see Zayn. I needed to get away, and my sister wasn’t going to come get me there.

I stepped off the tube running up the concrete steps brushing my hair away. I walked in the direction of Zayn’s flat. I walked up the steps and made my way to Zayn’s door. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. I looked over to see that Zayn was in fact home, but he had company. A boy was sprawled out on the couch sleeping while Zayn was sitting on the floor. He was blinking slowly, and was looking around the room as if there was something flying around that he just couldn’t get his attention off of.

“Zayn,” I asked raising my eye brow. Zayn looked at me, blinking a few times.

“Hey Maya,” Zayn’s voice was rough and slow.

 “Zayn your nose is bleeding.” I kneeled down wiping his nose with my sleeve. I looked over at the sleeping boy, and noticed the items on the coffee table. I moved closer to it squinting my eyes.

“Zayn are you getting high?” I asked and he rose to his feet.

“I’m not high Maya,” Zayn’s face was red and his pupils were dilated. I rolled my eyes knowing that he was in fact high and simply lied in attempts to get himself out of trouble.

“Go take a shower Zayn, then come talk to me.” I said pushing him in the direction of the bathroom. I followed him in the bathroom and shut the door behind him making my way to the living room again. I decided that whoever was on the couch was better off there than roaming the streets, so I cleaned off the table and washed my hands waiting for Zayn to come back out.

It took longer than a normal shower usually takes, but I suspected that was due to the fact Zayn’s actions were slowed down due to his state of mind. Finally he came out of the bathroom, and I sat on a barstool waiting for him to come in the living room. Slowly he came from the hallway and stood before me. I bit my bottom lip nervously, I knew that I wasn’t the one doing drugs, but I couldn’t help but fear of what Zayn was going to do, from past experience of being around people who use, I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but nonetheless the uncomfortable knot in my stomach was still there.

“Maya,” Zayn whispered hoarsely and I shook my head.

“Why do you do it Zayn, more importantly why didn’t you tell me?” I asked and Zayn looked around.

“I don’t do it all like that Maya, I wasn’t even going to do it then, it just, happened.” He stammered.

“Why didn’t you tell me,” I whispered. Zayn walked over to me, taking my hands in his.

“Because I can hurt myself Maya,” Zayn whispered back. “But I can’t hurt you.”

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