Chapter 15

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"If you could just put these back where they belong, that would be great." Poppy said and I nodded taking the stack of books from Poppy and putting them in their rightful spot. I finished the tasks that Poppy had given me and it wasn't long until my shift was over. I gathered my things walking over to Poppy who sat at the front desk. "So what do you have planned today," Poppy asked me and I shrugged.

"I have a DVR full of soaps calling my name," I shrugged and she smiled shaking her head.

"What about that boy you've been telling me about?" Poppy asked and I smiled shrugging.

"He's at work, I'm not sure what his plans are." I said before we said our goodbyes. I walked out of the small bookstore and headed in the direction of my house. I jumped when I felt Zayn's arms wrap around me. I only knew it was Zayn because he kissed my cheek murmuring 'Just me Maya,' My hand was taken into his, and I took my bottom lip between my teeth to keep from smiling at the size difference between the two.

Zayn talked about the things he had done at work, and I listened as he babbled on. It made me happy to know that even though Zayn openly admitted to not being obsessed with his job, but he still liked it due to the fact that Zayn could draw and express his love for art in a way that he loved.


"Zayn, stop I really need to change," I giggled and Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Despite all of the things we've done, you're not going to change in front of me?" Zayn teased and I sighed. I wished it was easy for me to change in front of Zayn, he made me feel comfortable in almost every way. Almost.

"You wouldn't like what you see," I muttered shaking my head before heading off to the bathroom and changing. I walked out discarding my old clothes into the hamper. I headed down the stairs giggling as Zayn ran behind me. He grabbed my waist, lifting me into the air as I flared my legs. Coming down from my fit of giggles, Zayn set me down on the counter adjusting himself between my legs.

"You didn't mean that did you," Zayn whispered, "when you said I wouldn't like what I would see?" I bit my bottom lip shrugging. "You know that isn't true, you shouldn't be scared to do things in front of me."

"I-I wouldn't say it's fear per say, i'd say it's more anxiety." I stammered avoiding his gaze. Zayn kissed me softly and I let out a shaky breath, his forehead pressed against mine as he kissed my lips repeatedly.

"What's your fear," I asked Zayn and he pulled away, "I mean you know mine." He took his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes searching my face.

"You," Zayn murmured and I gave him a confused look.

"Why would you be afraid of me," I asked and Zayn shook his head.

"I can't really explain it, I'm not exactly afraid, but i'm not exactly at my element here." Zayn explained and I nodded. "Maybe i'm afraid because you mean more to me than an other person. You're all that I think about and that scares the hell out of me." I kissed Zayn hard before pulling away breathlessly. He took a step back letting me hop down so that I could make dinner for the both of us.

I grabbed the plates setting the food down on the plate. I walked over to Zayn handing him his plate as, we sat down to eat. Neither of us spoke, finding nothing interesting to say. I giggled to myself looking down at my food and shaking my head. "What's so funny,"

"It's just that we've barely been going out for a month and nothing has really changed. We act like an old married couple, it's really cute." I said and Zayn chuckled getting up and rinsing off his plate.


"I don't see what the problem is here," Zayn said and I groaned.

"You don't see it, but I do." I retorted looking at myself in the mirror that Zayn sat down in front of me.

"Just tell me something that is wrong with what you see because I don't see it." Zayn said and I shook my head.

"I just don't like it Zayn, i'm- i'm squidgy. And I don't like it," I tried to explain it to the best of my abilities to Zayn. The mirror had been my biggest enemy for as long as I could remember. When the abuse started with my dad, I couldn't look at myself without thinking of how dirty I was. And no matter how many times I showered, I would never be truly clean. I fought the urge to look at myself, and destroy myself anymore than my father already had.

"I like it," Zayn murmured and I pulled him closer to me. There was something about Zayn, something that made me feel good about myself. Little by little he made me feel more like myself- or more like the person I aspired to be all of my life. I felt different when Zayn and I were, were intimate. Whether it was sexually or when we slowly opened up more and more to each other. I felt confident, and I didn't need a mirror to feel beautiful, I had Zayn.

"You're adorable," I whispered as his nose brushed against mine. "Kind of like a bird, a baby bird." I giggled opening my eyes looking at Zayn's reaction. Once before Zayn and I sat on his bed and tried to think of cute pet names for each other after the both of us admitted to never having one. We spat out various names giggling as we said the first things that popped into our newly cleared minds. But when I called Zayn a 'baby bird,' he immediately shook his head claiming that in no way he was a bird, let alone a baby bird. And I smiled knowing that I could still get the reaction out of him.

"If you're a bird i'm a bird," Zayn murmured and I smirked.

"Did you just quote the notebook," I asked and Zayn thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess I did."

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